我對於使用ReactiveSwift和ReactiveCocoa相當新穎,而且我似乎碰到了關於初始化具有依賴關係的屬性的正確方法的障礙。初始化具有多個依賴關係的RAC ReactiveSwift屬性?
class SomeViewModel {
// illustration purposes, in reality the property (dependency) we will observe will change over time
let dependency = Property(value: true)
let dependency2 = Property(value: "dependency2")
let dependency3 = Property(value: 12345)
let weightLabel: Property<String>
// private(set) var weightLabel: Property<String>!
// using private(set) var weightLabel: Property<String>! works,
// however this changes the meaning behind using let, because we could
// reinitalize weightLabel again which is not similar to using a let so not a good alternative
// let weightLabel: Property<String> = Property(value: "")
// another solution that will work but will result in a wrong value
// upon initalization then, changed into the "correct value" thus, i
// am discrading this as well
init() {
weightLabel = dependency.map {
// compiler error, 'self' captured by closure before all members were initalized.
// My question is if there is a way to handle this scenario properly
if $0 && self.dependency2.value == "dependency2" && self.dependency3.value == 12345 {
return ""
return ""
甜!感謝您的詳細解釋! :) –