2013-02-25 152 views

我有這塊html代碼。我喜歡wuiLeftArea和wuiMainArea在任何時候都保持並排。現在,當縮小窗口時,WuiMainArea div將低於無風區域。有沒有辦法迫使wiMainArea div始終保持正確?並排對齊兩個div

<div id="wuiLeftArea"> 
     <div id="wuiLefthandNavRoot"> 
      <div id="tree"> 

<DIV id=wuiMainArea sizcache="5" sizset="1"> 
    <DIV id=wuiMainContent sizcache="5" sizset="1"> 
     <DIV id=wuiInpageNav sizcache="5" sizset="1"> 
       <DIV id=chart class=wui-inpage-container style="float:right; width: 1200px;min-height:500px;display: block; overflow: hidden;"> 
       <p > this is the area to put charts. this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 
         this is the area to put charts. 





使用基於百分比的長度。如果左側的容器構成頁面寬度的25%,主容器構成75%的寬度,那麼無論瀏覽器變得多小,都會有1/4 3/4分割


非常感謝,它的工作原理 – user1471980 2013-02-25 15:30:52


hey沒問題!不要忘記接受有用的答案! :) – 2013-02-25 16:25:20