2014-11-02 48 views






import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.text.DecimalFormat; 
import java.text.NumberFormat; 
import java.util.Random; 
import java.io.*; 

public class virtualStore { 

    public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException{ 

     /* If the user enters an item number, the program should ask the user to enter how many of that item 
     they want, and then print the menu again. If at any time the user enters 'q', the program should quit. 
     Once the user enters 'c', ask the user to enter a 2-character state such as CA, NV, WA. If a code other 
     than these three is entered, it falls under "other". Then display what is in their cart and the calculated 
     total price based on discounts and include the tax. You should use the Math.round() and 
     System.out.printf methods to round numbers and to display to 2 decimal places. */ 

     Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (System.in); 
     String input; 
     char c = ' '; 
     char q = ' '; 

     //tax rates 
     double CAtaxRate = .09; 
     double NVtaxRate = .07; 
     double WAtaxRate = .065; 
     double other = .06; 
     double tax = 0; 

     double checkout = 0; 
     double total; 
     double cash = 0; 
     double change = 0; 
     double mushrooms = 0.3; 
     double onions = 0.6; 
     double watermelon = 2.5; 
     double cookies = 1; 
     int item = 0; 

     //number of items 
     int numMushrooms = 0; 
     int numOnions = 0; 
     int numWatermelon = 0; 
     int numCookies = 0; 

     DecimalFormat dollar = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00"); 
     Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); 

     System.out.println("Welcome to Alex's Store." 
       + " Here is the menu. " 
       + "\nEnter the item number to add it to your cart," 
       + " enter \'c\' to checkout or \'q\' to quit. "); 

     //while(c != 'c' && c != 'q') 


      for (item = 1; item < 4; item ++){ 
      System.out.println("1. Mushrooms\t\t($0.30/$0.25)\t\t" + numMushrooms); 
      System.out.println("2. Onions\t\t($0.60/$0.50)\t\t" + numOnions); 
      System.out.println("3. Watermelon\t\t($2.50/$2.00)\t\t" + numWatermelon); 
      System.out.println("4. Cookies\t\t($1.00/$0.75)\t\t" + numCookies); 

      System.out.println("Enter item number between 1 through 4"); 
      System.out.println("or enter 'c' for checkout or 'q' for quit."); 
      input = keyboard.nextLine(); 
      item = Integer.parseInt(input); 

      if (input.equals("1")) 
       System.out.println("Enter how many items you want."); 
       String m = keyboard.nextLine(); 
       numMushrooms = Integer.parseInt(m); 

      else if (input.equals("2")) 
       System.out.println("Enter how many items you want."); 
       String o = keyboard.nextLine(); 
       numOnions = Integer.parseInt(o); 

      else if (input.equals("3")) 
       System.out.println("Enter how many items you want."); 
       String w = keyboard.nextLine(); 
       numWatermelon = Integer.parseInt(w);     

      else if(input.equals("4")) 
       System.out.println("Enter how many items you want."); 
       String co = keyboard.nextLine(); 
       numCookies = Integer.parseInt(co); 



     if (numMushrooms > 10) 
      mushrooms = 0.25; 

     else if (numOnions > 10) 
      onions = 0.5; 
     else if (numWatermelon > 10) 
      watermelon = 2; 
     else if (numCookies > 10) 
      cookies = .75; 

     // quit option 
     String quit = scanner.nextLine(); 
     q = quit.charAt(0); 

     if (quit.equalsIgnoreCase("q")) 

     // checkout option 
     String ch = scanner.nextLine(); 
     c = ch.charAt(0); 

     if (ch.equalsIgnoreCase("c")) 

      checkout = numMushrooms * mushrooms + numOnions * onions + numWatermelon * watermelon + numCookies * cookies; 

      total = tax * checkout + checkout; 

      System.out.print("Enter state abbreviations: "); 
      input = keyboard.nextLine(); 

      PrintWriter outputfile = new PrintWriter("receipt.txt"); 
      outputfile.println("Your cart: "); 
      outputfile.println("Sub total:$ " + dollar.format(checkout)); 

      if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("CA")) 
       total = CAtaxRate * checkout + checkout; 
       outputfile.println("Tax Rate: " + CAtaxRate); 
       outputfile.println("Tax: $" + dollar.format(CAtaxRate * checkout)); 
       outputfile.println("Total is: $" + dollar.format(total)); 

      else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("NV")) 
       total = NVtaxRate * checkout + checkout; 
       outputfile.println("Tax Rate: " + NVtaxRate); 
       outputfile.println("Tax: $" + dollar.format(NVtaxRate * checkout)); 
       outputfile.println("Total is: $" + dollar.format(total)); 


      else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("WA")) 
       total = WAtaxRate * checkout + checkout; 
       outputfile.println("Tax Rate: " + WAtaxRate); 
       outputfile.println("Tax: $" + dollar.format(WAtaxRate * checkout)); 
       outputfile.println("Total is: $" + dollar.format(total)); 


      else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase(input)) 
       total = other * checkout + checkout; 
       outputfile.println("Tax Rate: " + other); 
       outputfile.println("Tax: $" + dollar.format(other * checkout)); 
       outputfile.println("Total is: $" + dollar.format(total)); 

      input = keyboard.nextLine(); 
      cash = Integer.parseInt(input); 
      outputfile.println("Enter amount of cash: $" + dollar.format(cash)); 

      change = cash - total; 
      outputfile.println("Change due: $" + dollar.format(change)); 

      outputfile.println("Thank you for shopping at Alex's store!"); 


     FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("receipt.text", true); 
     PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fw); 
     pw.println("C:\\Desktop\\Receipt.txt "); 








while(true) { 

    // Print the menu messages 
    String input = scanner.readLine(); 
    if(input.equals("c")) { 

     // Read in and handle state abbreviation 

    } else if(input.equals("q")) { 
    } else { 
     int itemNumber = Integer.parseInt(input); 

     // Parse and handle item number 

在「輸入項目編號」一節,該程序不要求數量。 – souroreo 2014-11-03 01:02:25


您需要將該代碼放在代碼所說的「//分析和處理行號」的位置。 – APerson 2014-11-03 01:09:35


在輸入項目下,它不存儲用戶輸入。此外,輸入沒有更新菜單。 – souroreo 2014-11-03 02:12:18