Sub Main()
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim FileName As String, FilePath As String
Dim Test As Boolean
Dim ResultCode As xcdError
Dim oAccess As Access.Application
Dim Zip_File As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
' Make a connection to the database
Call MakeDBConnection
' Create a recordset of the directories to check
Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset
RS.ActiveConnection = DB
RS.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
RS.LockType = adLockOptimistic
RS.Open "Select ConversionDefinition.* From ConversionDefinition"
' Check the directories for Raw Data
' If the required data is found, then start the coversion application
If Not (RS.EOF And RS.BOF) Then
Do While Not (RS.EOF)
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