約束條件:我想遵循How to 「properly」 create a custom object in JavaScript?中描述的對象結構。
問題:但是,隨着這種結構,我沒有收到成功回調響應數據。在firebug中,我可以看到正確的 html,它是通過郵件返回的。回調成功功能沒有收到數據
// Abstract class for functionality of both QuizView and QuizAdmin
Quiz = Object.makeSubclass();
Quiz.prototype._init= function() {};
Quiz.prototype.fetchSuccess= function(data) {
// fetchSuccess must be defined before fetch.
console.log("Quiz.prototype.fetchSucces"); // This gets printed out - so the function is called.
console.log(this.targetElement); // echoes the correct element - when I hoover it, I see it in the page.
console.log(data); // echoes undefined
this.targetElement.append(data); // Obviously this line is what I want to do.
//This function gets content specified by url.
Quiz.prototype.fetch= function(what,where) {
// Get the the content
type: "POST",
url: what,
success: this.fetchSuccess,
targetElement: this.targetElement,
dataType: "html",
async: false
}; // End Quiz.prototype.fetch
注:的相關問題之間,我的代碼基本上是唯一的區別波紋管,我使用function expression
,而不是function declaration
Jquery ajax external callback function
JavaScript: var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {}
Where to define a jQuery $.ajax() success function if you don't want to define in the call to $.ajax()?
jQuery ajax success callback function definition
function fetchSuccess(data){
// Get the view content
type: "POST",
url: "../../../../includes/quiz1/index.php",
success: fetchSuccess,
dataType: "html",
async: false
是不是'成功:函數(){self.fetchSuccess.apply(個體經營,參數)}'等於'成功:自.fetchSuccess'? – JAM
@JAM不,完全沒有。成功:self.fetchSuccess將設置與其原始範圍不同的fetchSuccess範圍。 – Anoop
我不同意,看看這個小提琴:http://jsfiddle.net/rPFFR/ – JAM