2016-05-15 57 views


目標: - 分配一個值(城市名)到細胞 - 通過含有地址 列環在此基礎上偏移0,6號郵編單元包含


Sub LabelCell() 
    Dim SrchRng As Range, cel As Range 
    Dim ZipA() As String 
    Dim ZipB() As String 
    Dim ZipC() As String 
    Dim ZipD() As String 

    ZipA = Array("12345", "12346", "12347", "12348", "12349") 
    ZipB = Array("22345", "22346", "22347", "22348", "22349") 
    ZipC = Array("32345", "32346", "32347", "32348", "32349") 
    ZipD = Array("42345", "42346", "42347", "42348", "42349") 

    Set SrchRng = Range("D6:D350") 

    For Each cel In SrchRng 
     If InStr(1, cel.Value, ZipA()) Then 
      cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 1" 
     ElseIf InStr(1, cel.Value, ZipB()) Then 
      cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 2" 
     ElseIf InStr(1, cel.Value, ZipC()) Then 
      cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 3" 
     ElseIf InStr(1, cel.Value, ZipD()) Then 
      cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 4" 
     End If 
    Next cel 
End Sub 


我非常反對定義每個數組的長度和手動分配各個位置作爲總數超過400個郵政編碼 - 更重要的是,代碼看起來很可怕。




簡單地用'IsNumeric(Application.Match(cel.Value,ZipA(),0))'代替'InStr(1,cel.Value,ZipA())'',它會起作用(其他城市也一樣)。但是,如果所有的郵政編碼都在各自城市的二維表中,那麼速度會更快,這樣您可以像使用公式一樣來完成:'cel.Offset(0,6).Value = Sheets(「MyZips」)。單元格(Application.Match(cel.Value,Sheets(「MyZips」).Columns(1),0),2)';) –




Sub LabelCell() 
    Dim SrchRng As Range, cel As Range 
    Dim ZipA() 
    Dim ZipB() 
    Dim ZipC() 
    Dim ZipD() 

    ZipA = Array("12345", "12346", "12347", "12348", "12349") 
    ZipB = Array("22345", "22346", "22347", "22348", "22349") 
    ZipC = Array("32345", "32346", "32347", "32348", "32349") 
    ZipD = Array("42345", "42346", "42347", "42348", "42349") 

    Set SrchRng = Range("D6:D350") 

    For Each cel In SrchRng 
     If cel.Value <> "" Then 
      If InStr(1, Join(ZipA), cel.Value) Then 
       cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 1" 
      ElseIf InStr(1, Join(ZipB), cel.Value) Then 
       cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 2" 
      ElseIf InStr(1, Join(ZipC), cel.Value) Then 
       cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 3" 
      ElseIf InStr(1, Join(ZipD), cel.Value) Then 
       cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 4" 

      End If 
     End If 
    Next cel 
End Sub 



Sub LabelCell() 
    Dim SrchRng As Range, cel As Range, str As Variant 
    Dim ZipA() 
    Dim ZipB() 
    Dim ZipC() 
    Dim ZipD() 

    ZipA = Array("12345", "12346", "12347", "12348", "12349") 
    ZipB = Array("22345", "22346", "22347", "22348", "22349") 
    ZipC = Array("32345", "32346", "32347", "32348", "32349") 
    ZipD = Array("42345", "42346", "42347", "42348", "42349") 

    Set SrchRng = Range("D6:D350") 

    For Each cel In SrchRng 
     If cel.Value <> "" Then 
      For Each str In ZipA 
       If InStr(1, cel.Value, str) Then 
        cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 1" 
        Exit For 
       End If 
      Next str 
      For Each str In ZipB 
       If InStr(1, cel.Value, str) Then 
        cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 2" 
        Exit For 
       End If 
      Next str 
      For Each str In ZipC 
       If InStr(1, cel.Value, str) Then 
        cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 3" 
        Exit For 
       End If 
      Next str 
      For Each str In ZipD 
       If InStr(1, cel.Value, str) Then 
        cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 4" 
        Exit For 
       End If 
      Next str 

     End If 
    Next cel 
End Sub 

我不確定發生了什麼,但是這不幸沒有奏效。它把城市價值投入到它不應該擁有的許多細胞中。我可能沒有正確執行。請在上面的user3598756的帖子中查看我的意見,以便對我的問題作進一步的說明 - 我認爲我最初並沒有詳細解釋它。 – Kaelen


@Kaelen見編輯。 –


它的工作!非常感謝,這將在未來真正幫助我! 我不知道你可以在另一個嵌套一個For Each循環。雖然它可能不是最有效的方法,但我認爲我會堅持下去,直到我學到更多。非常感謝,朋友。 – Kaelen



Sub LabelCell() 
    Dim SrchRng As Range, cel As Range 
    Dim ZipA As String 
    Dim ZipB As String 
    Dim ZipC As String 
    Dim ZipD As String 

    ZipA = "12345 12346 12347 12348 12349" 
    ZipB = "22345 22346 22347 22348 22349" 
    ZipC = "32345 32346 32347 32348 32349" 
    ZipD = "42345 42346 42347 42348 42349" 

    Set SrchRng = Range("D6:D350") 

    For Each cel In SrchRng 
     If InStr(1, ZipA, cel.Value) Then 
      cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 1" 
     ElseIf InStr(1, ZipB, cel.Value) Then 
      cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 2" 
     ElseIf InStr(1, ZipC, cel.Value) Then 
      cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 3" 
     ElseIf InStr(1, ZipD, cel.Value) Then 
      cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 4" 
     End If 
    Next cel 
    End Sub 



Option Explicit 

Sub LabelCell() 
    Dim SrchRng As Range, cel As Range 

    Set SrchRng = Range("D6:D350") 

    For Each cel In SrchRng 
     cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = Choose(cel.Value/10000, "City 1", "City 2", "City 3", "City 4") 
    Next cel 
End Sub 



Set SrchRng = Range("D6:D350").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers) ' consider only cells with a constant (i.e not a formula result) number value 

Set SrchRng = Range("D6:D350").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlNumbers)' consider only cells with a "formula" (i.e.: deriving from a formula) number value 

Set SrchRng = Range("D6:D350").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues)' consider only cells with a constant (i.e not a formula result) string value 

Set SrchRng = Range("D6:D350").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlTextValues)' consider only cells with a "formula" (i.e.: deriving from a formula) string value 

2)考慮使用Select Case語法而不是If-Then-ElseIf-EndIf之一,這也將導致更少的打字

Sub LabelCell() 
    Dim SrchRng As Range, cel As Range 
    Dim ZipA As String, ZipB As String, ZipC As String, ZipD As String 
    Dim val As String, city As String 

    ZipA = "12345 12346 12347 12348 12349" 
    ZipB = "22345 22346 22347 22348 22349" 
    ZipC = "32345 32346 32347 32348 32349" 
    ZipD = "42345 42346 42347 42348 42349" 

    Set SrchRng = Range("D6:D350").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers) 

    For Each cel In SrchRng 
     val = cel.Value 
     Select Case True 
      Case InStr(1, ZipA, val) > 0 
       city = "City 1" 
      Case InStr(1, ZipB, val) > 0 
       city = "City 2" 
      Case InStr(1, ZipC, val) > 0 
       city = "City 3" 
      Case InStr(1, ZipD, val) > 0 
       city = "City 4" 
      Case Else 
       ' code to handle this situation 
     End Select 
     cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = city 
    Next cel 
End Sub 



感謝所有回覆。特別是在這篇文章中的一些真棒技巧。我對大部分建議都進行了修改,但無濟於事。我將不得不暫時擱置一段時間,重新審視何時能夠專注並確定我忽略的可能是顯而易見的錯誤。此外,我認爲我可能不會以足夠詳細的方式解釋我的方法,以找到適當的解決方案。我應該回來。 – Kaelen


我不能使用包含郵政編碼的字符串在SrchRng單元內搜索匹配的子字符串,因爲(據我所知)每個單元格都包含一個完整的地址 - 即:1234 Drury Ln,Gingertown,PA 55555 如果我是沒有錯,拉鍊必須被隔離才能返回真實。空間不足 - 繼續低於 – Kaelen


我真的想確定在每個單元格的完整地址字符串中存在4組子字符串(ZipA,ZipB,ZipC,ZipB)中的哪一個子字符串。這是我的邏輯背後,將單元格作爲字符串與拉鍊數組進行比較,作爲潛在的子字符串(也是我使用數組後的邏輯 - 用於搜索的子字符串的隔離) – Kaelen


解決方案很簡單 - 循環!感謝Scott Craner的回答。這裏我就是這樣做,以實現所期望的結果:


Dim SrchRng As Range, cel As Range, str As Variant 

-Nest第二對於內的第一回路的每個所述陣列中的通過每個元件的週期( str作爲子字符串搜索標準),直到被搜索的字符串(cel.Value)或者產生匹配,或一個完整迭代返回0

For Each cel In SrchRng 
    If cel.Value <> "" Then 
     For Each str In ZipA 
      If InStr(1, cel.Value, str) Then 
       cel.Offset(0, 6).Value = "City 1" 
       Exit For 
      End If 
     Next str 
Exit For 'etc 

