$query2 = "SELECT tblExportFiles.CompID, CompEmail, export_id, export_name, query, num_records, sample_rate, record_startnum, Description, Pull_Type, remote_CompID FROM tblExportFiles INNER JOIN tblCustomers USING(CompID) WHERE done=0 ORDER BY export_id ASC ;";
$sqlQuery2 = $dbh->prepare($query2);
$sqlQuery2->execute or die "can't execute the query: " . $sqlQuery2->errstr;
\$CompID, \$CompEmail, \$export_id, \$fileName,
\$queryFile, \$numRecords, \$sampleRate, \$recStartNum,
\$description, \$qType, \$remote_CompID
while ($sqlQuery2->fetch) { ... }
my $ftpQuerySQL = "SELECT tblResellersData.http_address ,ftp_address, ftp_username, ftp_password, ftp_dir, http_name, tblResellerCustomers.CompEmail FROM tblResellersData, tblResellerCustomers WHERE tblResellerCustomers.User_ID = '$remote_CompID' AND tblResellersData.CompID = '$CompID' ; ";
print "FTP SQL = $ftpQuerySQL\n\n";
$QueryFTP = $dbh->prepare($ftpQuerySQL);
$QueryFTP->execute() or die "can't execute the query: " . $QueryFTP->errstr;
\$http_address, \$ftp_address, \$ftp_username, \$ftp_password,
\$ftp_dir, \$remote_name, \$CompEmail
Use of uninitialized value $ftp_address in concatenation (.) or string at ./Cron_file_output.pl line 302.
Use of uninitialized value $ftp_dir in concatenation (.) or string at ./Cron_file_output.pl line 302.
Use of uninitialized value $ftp_username in concatenation (.) or string at ./Cron_file_output.pl line 302.
is a located in
Use of uninitialized value $ftp_dir in scalar chomp at ./Cron_file_output.pl line 303.
Use of uninitialized value $http_address in concatenation (.) or string at ./Cron_file_output.pl line 304.
Use of uninitialized value $ftp_address in concatenation (.) or string at ./Cron_file_output.pl line 304.
Use of uninitialized value $ftp_username in concatenation (.) or string at ./Cron_file_output.pl line 304.
Use of uninitialized value $ftp_password in concatenation (.) or string at ./Cron_file_output.pl line 304.
Use of uninitialized value $ftp_dir in concatenation (.) or string at ./Cron_file_output.pl line 304.
Use of uninitialized value $remote_name in concatenation (.) or string at ./Cron_file_output.pl line 304.
RETURNED VALUES......., , , , , , [email protected]
Use of uninitialized value $ftp_address in concatenation (.) or string at ./Cron_file_output.pl line 310.
http_address website's url ftp_address ftp_username ftp_password ftp_dir http_name
http://www.highpeaksbyway.com/ highpeaksbyway.com [email protected] dataUUU666##) pulls/ TEST ME
爲什麼要在'bind_columns'中傳遞引用? '$ CompId','$ CompEmail'等是什麼值? – mob
@mob:推測是因爲這是正確的做法? – Borodin