<form method="post" onSubmit="return submitGetApp();" class="kinkast_signup">
<input id="login_email" type="text" name="to" />
<input id="signInButtonSubmit" type="submit" name="action" value="Send" />
jQuery代碼: $( '#signInButtonSubmit')點擊(函數(E){
//Get the data from all the fields
var number = $('input[name=to]');
//Simple validation to make sure user entered something
//If error found, add hightlight class to the text field
if (number.val()=='') {
return false;
} else name.removeClass('hightlight');
//organize the data properly
var data = 'number=' + number.val();
//show the loading sign
//start the ajax
//this is the php file that processes the data and send mail
url: "http://video.kinkast.com/getapp",
//GET method is used
type: "POST",
//pass the data
data: data,
//Do not cache the page
cache: false,
success: function() {
error: function(xhr, status, e) {
alert(status, e);
//cancel the submit button default behaviours
return false;
有人可以檢查出的代碼,看看我'm missing?另外,要看到它的實況,請訪問this link
甚至不使用JSON?銘記我零exp。與ajax/json :) - 道歉愚蠢的問題 –
此外,我不應該然後得到一個錯誤消息(使用上面的代碼)而不是頁面刷新? –
無論返回哪種類型,都不能進行這樣的跨站點請求。如果你四處搜尋,你會找到解決辦法,但就像我說的那樣,限制在那裏是有原因的。 –