2013-11-23 72 views


  1. 複製當前選擇和網址在Safari
  2. 貼在選擇小區1
  3. 在小區2
  4. 粘貼URL
  5. 轉到下面的小區1新行在Excel中



tell application "Safari" 
    set theURL to URL of front document 
    set theText to (do JavaScript "(''+getSelection())" in document 1) 
end tell 

tell application "Microsoft Excel" 
    set value of active cell to the theURL 
end tell 



tell application "Safari" 
    set theURL to URL of front document 
    set theText to (do JavaScript "(''+getSelection())" in document 1) 
end tell 

tell application "Microsoft Excel" 
    set foundRange to find range "A:A" what "" -- finds the first empty cell in column A 
    set the value of foundRange to theText  
    -- Work out its adjacent cell in same row 
    set cur_col to the first column index of foundRange 
    set cur_row to the first row index of foundRange 
    set nextCell to cell cur_row of column (cur_col + 1) 
    set value of nextCell to theURL 
    select cell (cur_row + 1) of column cur_col -- select the next logical cell 
end tell 

爲什麼你需要這到底是什麼?將URL寫入製表符分隔的文本文件是否足以將其導入到Excel中?你有沒有你自己試過的代碼? (當你在這裏發帖時,你應該至少對編碼有最少的瞭解)。 – Mark


我需要使用源URL保存一些引號,但我無法在Excel中的單元格之間導航。 – vantage5353


請回答我的問題,如果你想得到任何幫助。 – Mark





tell application "Safari" 
    set theURL to URL of front document 
    set theText to (do JavaScript "(''+getSelection())" in document 1) 
end tell 

tell application "Microsoft Excel" 
    set foundRange to find range "A:A" what "" -- finds the first empty cell in column A 
    set the value of foundRange to theText  
    -- Work out its adjacent cell in same row 
    set cur_col to the first column index of foundRange 
    set cur_row to the first row index of foundRange 
    set nextCell to cell cur_row of column (cur_col + 1) 
    set value of nextCell to theURL 
    select cell (cur_row + 1) of column cur_col -- select the next logical cell 
end tell 

看看我原來的帖子,看看我是如何使用你的代碼。我需要在操作結束時將活動單元格設置爲下一行的第一個單元格,以便不覆蓋先前的條目。我嘗試將活動單元格設置爲_,但它似乎不起作用。想法? – vantage5353


@ user1891836:我的解決方案避免使用活動單元格通過尋找在A列的第一個空單元格它做你問什麼,每一個腳本,而不會覆蓋任何數據運行時間開始的新行。給它一個去看看它的行動。 – adamh


它的工作原理應該如此。我只是想知道爲什麼沒有辦法移動當前的選擇(即活動單元格)... – vantage5353