// This Button for creating & assign the values to the NSObject.
- (IBAction)CreateObjectBtn:(id)sender
[cpFileObject methodForRetain];
// Here the tempFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:@"Innum_Enna_Thozha-VmusiQ.Com" ofType:@"mp3"];
cpFileObject.fileData =[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:tempFilePath];
cpFileObject.filePath = tempFilePath;
// This Button for **release** the NSObject from memory Pool.
- (IBAction)releaseObjectBtn:(id)sender
[cpFileObject methodForRelease];
NSObject Name - CPFile。
// This Instance Method for **Increase** the allocation of NSObject.
if (!fileData)
[fileData retain];
// This Instance Method for **Decrease** the allocation of NSObject.
- (void)methodForRelease
[fileData release];
NSLog(@"%lu Object released ",(unsigned long)self.retainCount);
[fileData retain]
應改爲? – bsarr007雅。我可以在這裏粘貼嗎? @ bsarr007 .. –
我已經粘貼了我的代碼。請驗證並讓我。 –