2011-11-01 21 views




With Sheets 
    For r = 2 To NewRowQty ' from second row to last row 
    For c = 1 To ThisColumnEnd ' out to EndColumn (from import dialogue box) 
     ThisCell = Cells(r, c).Address 
     ThisValue = GetValue(ThisPath, ThisFile, ThisSheet, ThisCell) 
     If ThisValue <> "0" Then 
     If c = 3 And r > 2 Then 
      Cells(r, c).Formula = GetFormula(ThisPath, ThisFile, ThisSheet, ThisCell) 
      Cells(r, c) = ThisValue 
     End If 
     End If 
    Next c 
    Next r 
End With 


Private Function GetValue(p, f, s, c) 
    'p: path: The drive and path to the closed file (e.g., "d:\files") 
    'f: file: The workbook name (e.g., "budget.xls") 
    's: sheet: The worksheet name (e.g., "Sheet1") 
    'c: cell: The cell reference (e.g., "C4") 

    'Retrieves a value from a closed workbook 
    Dim arg As String 
    'Make sure the file exists 
    If Right(p, 1) <> "\" Then p = p & "\" 
    If Dir(p & f) = "" Then 
    GetValue = "File Not Found" 
    Exit Function 
    End If 
    'Create the argument 
    arg = "'" & p & "[" & f & "]" & s & "'!" & _ 
    Range(c).Range("A1").Address(, , xlR1C1) 
    'Execute an XLM macro 
    GetValue = ExecuteExcel4Macro(arg) 
End Function 

Private Function GetFormula(p, f, s, c) 
    'p: path: The drive and path to the closed file (e.g., "d:\files") 
    'f: file: The workbook name (e.g., "budget.xls") 
    's: sheet: The worksheet name (e.g., "Sheet1") 
    'c: cell: The cell reference (e.g., "C4") 

    'Retrieves a value from a closed workbook 
    Dim arg As String 
    'Make sure the file exists 
    If Right(p, 1) <> "\" Then p = p & "\" 
    If Dir(p & f) = "" Then 
    GetFormula = "File Not Found" 
    Exit Function 
    End If 
    'Create the argument 
    arg = "'" & p & "[" & f & "]" & s & "'!" & _ 
    Range(c).Range("A1").Address(, , xlR1C1).Formula 
    'Execute an XLM macro 
    GetFormula = ExecuteExcel4Macro(arg) 
End Function 


' silent opening of old file: 
Application.EnableEvents = False 
Set o = GetObject(FileTextBox.Text) 
With Sheets 
    For r = 2 To NewRowQty ' from second row to last row 
     ThisCell = "A" & r 
     Sheets(ThisRate).Range(ThisCell).PasteSpecial xlFormulas 
    Next r 
End With 
' Close external workbook, don't leave open for extended periods 
Set o = Nothing 
Application.EnableEvents = True 

從後臺打開工作簿中獲得更多的控制權,可以使用vbscript而不僅僅是vba。加上通過UDF循環檢索值將非常緩慢的一個體面的數據抓取。有關訪問關閉工作簿中的數據的不同方法,請參閱http://stackoverflow.com/q/7524064/641067。根據Tim的評論,您可以禁用事件來停止任何工作簿事件(無論何時運行代碼都是好的做法) – brettdj



爲什麼這麼複雜的代碼?由於某些原因,您使用的代碼正在調用Excel 4.0向後兼容模式宏處理器。我無法想象爲什麼你會那樣做。

這裏有一個簡單的方法,從細胞Sheet1中A1的Ç得到公式:\ tmp目錄\ book.xlsx: - (!過時的1994年)

Dim o As Excel.Workbook 
Set o = GetObject("c:\tmp\Book.xlsx") 
MsgBox o.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 1).Formula 
Set o = Nothing ' this ensures that the workbook is closed immediately 

卷積代碼是因爲它是更大數據導入器的一部分,從我們使用的早期版本的工具包中引入值和公式。這些外部文件具有Workbook_Activate宏,這些宏會與當前文件混淆並呈現糟糕的UX;因此爲什麼我需要從封閉的工作簿中獲取數據(因此是問題)。 –


我試過你的代碼,它啓動宏,不去工作。 ExecuteExcel4Macro實際上在現代書籍和網站中被稱爲oldie,但是它是唯一從封閉工作簿中獲取值的好幫手,但我無法弄清楚從封閉文件中獲取公式。任何其他不打開外部工作簿的想法? –


@Kirk - 你有沒有考慮在打開文件之前關閉事件? –


如果你堅持跑步Excel 4風格的宏你需要使用XLM功能GET.FORMULA來檢索,而不是值的公式如下:

arg = "GET.FORMULA('" & p & "[" & f & "]" & s & "'!" & _ 
     Range(c).Range("A1").Address(, , xlR1C1) & ")" 

