是否有任何知道我可以在哪裏定位基於Roslyn診斷的令牌的顏色化「簡單」示例。是的,我可以讓他們信息,警告,錯誤或隱藏。所以說讓我們想使用隱藏,所以它不會出現在錯誤列表/窗口,但是可以訪問,所以我可以稍後做一些事情。Roslyn Diagnostic + Visual Studio Colorisation
Private Sub CreateVisuals(ByVal line As ITextViewLine)
'grab a reference to the lines in the current TextView
Dim textViewLines = _view?.TextViewLines
If textViewLines Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If line Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim lineStart As Integer = line.Start
Dim lineEnd As Integer = line.End
Dim q = textViewLines.FirstOrDefault
If q Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim qq = q.Snapshot.GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContextWithChanges
If qq Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim sm = qq.GetSemanticModelAsync.Result '..GetSemanticModelAsync.Result
' Dim di = sm.GetSyntaxDiagnostics.ToArray
If sm Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim diags = sm.GetDiagnostics.ToArray
If diags.Any() = False Then Exit Sub
For Each d In diags
' This is the ID if the Diagnostic I want to color.
'If d.Id<>"SFD000" Then Continue For
Dim charSpan As New SnapshotSpan(_view.TextSnapshot,
Span.FromBounds(d.Location.SourceSpan.Start, d.Location.SourceSpan.End))
Dim g As Geometry = textViewLines.GetMarkerGeometry(charSpan)
If g IsNot Nothing Then
Dim drawing As New GeometryDrawing(_brush, _pen, g) : drawing.Freeze()
Dim drawingImage As New DrawingImage(drawing) : drawingImage.Freeze()
Dim image As New Image()
image.Source = drawingImage
'Align the image with the top of the bounds of the text geometry
Canvas.SetLeft(image, g.Bounds.Left)
Canvas.SetTop(image, g.Bounds.Top)
charSpan, Nothing, image, Nothing)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub