2010-08-17 57 views


struct Base { }; 
struct ObjA : public Base { }; 
struct ObjB : public Base { }; 
struct ObjC : public Base { }; 

template <class ... Obj> struct ObjGetter; 

template <class Obj, class ... Tail> 
struct ObjGetter<Obj, Tail ...> : public ObjGetter<Tail ...> 
    using ObjGetter<Tail ...>::tune; // resolve ambiguous lookups for tune() 

    void tune(Obj * obj) { } // no problem with this one, disambiguated by obj type 

    Obj * check() const { return 0; } // problem with this one, no arg to disambiguate 

template <> struct ObjGetter<> { // to terminate the recursion 
    void tune(void); // needed by the using statement above but should not be used, hence different syntax 

struct MyGizmo : public ObjGetter<ObjA, ObjC> // variadic 
    void testit() { 
    ObjA * a = 0; ObjB *b = 0; ObjC *c = 0; 

    a = ObjGetter<ObjA, ObjC>::check(); // too ugly! 
    c = ObjGetter<ObjC>::check(); // too ugly! 

    tune(a); // no problem 
    //tune(b); // correct compile-time error: no matching function for call to ‘MyGizmo::tune(ObjB*&)’ 
    tune(c); // no problem 

    // I would like a simple syntax like this: 
    //a = check<ObjA>(); // should call ObjGetter<ObjA, ObjC>::check() 
    //b = check<ObjB>(); // should give a compile-time error 
    //c = check<ObjC>(); // should call ObjGetter<ObjC>::check() 



a = ObjGetterHelper<ObjA>::check(); // still ugly! MyGizmo user should not have to know about ObjGetterCore 
c = ObjGetterHelper<ObjC>::check(); // too ugly! 


a = check(Type2Type<ObjA>()); // pretty ugly too 
c = check(Type2Type<ObjC>()); // pretty ugly too 


#define CHECK(X) check(Type2Type<X>()) 

我認爲,模板別名將提供一個解決方案,但我使用G ++不支持他們呢。在此期間還有其他事情嗎?非常感謝!


'check'做什麼?我理解這個問題,但是當我不知道如何處理「check」時,很難給出正確的答案。 (他們都返回0;'?值從哪裏來?) – GManNickG 2010-08-17 20:27:31


check()實際上輪詢Blackboard是否有某個Object已經發布到它並且可用。在完整的實現中,它將shared_ptr返回給發佈的Object(如果存在)或null shared_ptr。 – 2010-08-18 00:26:51





template< class Obj2 > 
    typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< Obj, Obj2 >::value, Obj * >::type 
    check() const { return 0; } // perform work 

    template< class Obj2 > 
    typename std::enable_if< ! std::is_same< Obj, Obj2 >::value, Obj2 * >::type 
    check() const { return base::template check<Obj2>(); } // delegate 



是的,這是美麗的,非常感謝,偉大的東西! – 2010-08-18 00:24:09