$user = new User();
$form = $this->createForm(UserForm::class, $user);
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
$img = $user->getPhoto();
$fileName = md5(uniqid()).'.'.$img->guessExtension();
// Move the file to the directory where brochures are stored
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
而當你想要顯示的IMG你顯示它首先你用$ user-> getPhoto()讀取文件名並將它發送到你的模板,當我從模板中調用user.getPhoto()時有一些錯誤,也許它只是我:
img src="{{ asset('media/users/') }}{{ filename }}"></div>
- 1. resize facebook profile image
- 2. MVC 4 RegisterModel include Profile Image
- 3. image profile facebook to base64 PHP
- 4. 用Image Magick識別profile-icc
- 5. 針對Twitter的JSON Feed for profile image URL
- 6. 跨源圖片加載(twitter profile image)
- 7. Vector <Customer> C++,List <Customer>&Vector <Customer> Java
- 8. PHP的下載Facebook的用戶Image Profile Error Error
- 9. Magento「customer/account_navigation」
- 10. 在C#中,「Customer cust = new Customer()」是什麼;「做?
- 11. magento 2等效於Mage :: getModel('customer/customer') - > loadByEmail();是?
- 12. Restlet:爲「/ customer」和「/ customer /」使用相同的資源
- 13. Ws-basic profile 1.0 vs Ws-basic profile 1.1
- 14. 在頁面前面的wordpress profile profile form?
- 15. Customer Master - 聯繫人信息
- 16. Magento模板變量$ customer
- 17. Shopify Customer Metafields和Updated_At字段
- 18. Java - 「(Customer)v.get(i)」做什麼?
- 19. Magento 1.7 - 刪除/ customer/account/create/
- 20. jQuery - image SRC
- 21. Matlab`image(image)= - 1`?
- 22. MVC Common Profile Class
- 23. @Profile和@ConditionalOnProperty
- 24. Hockeykit Invaild Provisionary Profile?
- 25. Liberty Profile + Servlet 2.4
- 26. .make與.profile
- 27. php profile with .htaccess
- 28. Getting LinkedIn Profile Picture
- 29. Bash .profile not loading
- 30. In House distribution profile
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