我在我的Macbook上使用MS Powerpoint 2008。我使用提供的Automator動作將一堆圖像(大約100個)添加到新的PPTX文件中。圖像居中,但它們並未完全最大化。可以使用的邊緣周圍有大約0.5-1英寸的空間。我更喜歡將圖像垂直或水平最大化,或者選擇適合圖像的圖像。使用AppleScript在Powerpoint中最大化調整圖像
任何想法如何添加代碼,以確定圖像(形狀)最好是最大化到幻燈片高度(7.5 x 72像素/英寸)或寬度(10英寸或720像素)?
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
set thePres to active presentation
set slideCount to count slides of thePres
repeat with a from 1 to slideCount
set theShape to first shape of slide a of thePres
set height of theShape to (7.5 * 70)
set leftPos to (slide width of page setup of thePres) - (width of theShape)
set left position of theShape to (leftPos/2)
set top of theShape to 0
end repeat
end tell
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
set thePres to active presentation
set slideCount to count slides of thePres
repeat with a from 1 to slideCount
set theShape to first shape of slide a of thePres
if height of theShape is greater than width of theShape then
set height of theShape to (7.5 * 72)
set width of theShape to (10 * 72)
end if
if height of theShape is greater than 540 then
set height of theShape to 540
end if
set leftPos to (slide width of page setup of thePres) - (width of theShape)
set left position of theShape to (leftPos/2)
set top of theShape to 0
end repeat
end tell
感謝您的幫助。 70是一個錯字。我應該按照你的建議使用72。 – dskrad