2011-05-05 175 views


我設想它是一個像結構一樣的二叉樹,但是因爲棋盤上的每個方塊都可能有超過2個潛在的下一步棋,所以我認爲它不會奏效。我研究了A */Pathfinding算法,但是他們都需要一個終端節點來處理我所能看到的內容,而且我不知道終端節點,因爲它每次都在進行,並且會有所不同。


For each square on the board 
    Check if this key has potential moves 
     If Potential moves 
      <Some way of selecting a next move (this could be the square we just originated from too!)> 
      Register this move into a collection we can check against for subsequent        moves 
      Recursively call function with the square we just landed on 
     Else Continue 



您可能希望查看LinkedList數據結構。你有沒有與你的教授覈對,以確認你是否在正確的軌道與偷窺代碼碰巧?因爲我之前從未做過這樣的項目,究竟是什麼使移動成爲有效的,只是連接到正方形的網格上的正方形是正確的? – 2011-05-05 11:56:08


您是否被要求列出所有旅行團,或者統計到達每個廣場的方式數量,或者究竟是什麼?如果你被要求列出所有的旅行團,那麼你列出他們的順序是否有關係? – 2011-05-05 12:01:33



好的,會有極端數量的可能的動作序列,正如評論所暗示的那樣。 這是從我的頭頂,我是如此裸露....



While the routes list has a position list that's less than the required length 
    Get a position list that's too short. 
    Remove it from the routes list 
    Create new position lists that are a copy of the list we just removed + a possible next position from the last position in the list. 
    Add those lists to the routes list. 


using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.Linq; 

namespace ConsoleApplication1 
    class Program 
     static int GridSize = 5; 

     static void Main(string[] args) 
      List<List<Point>> Positions = (from X in Enumerable.Range(0, GridSize) 
              from Y in Enumerable.Range(0, GridSize) 
              select new List<Point>() { new Point(X, Y) }).ToList(); 

      var PossibleRoutes = WalkGraph(Positions, 5); 

     static List<List<Point>> WalkGraph(List<List<Point>> RoutesList, int DesiredLength) 
      List<List<Point>> Result = new List<List<Point>>(); 

      foreach (var Route in RoutesList) 
       if (Route.Count < DesiredLength) 
        // Extend the route (produces a list of routes) and recurse 
        Result.AddRange(WalkGraph(ExtendRoute(Route), DesiredLength)); 

      return Result; 

     static List<List<Point>> ExtendRoute(List<Point> Route) 
      List<List<Point>> NextMoveRoutes = new List<List<Point>>(); 

      // Itterate through each possible move 
      foreach (var NextMove in PossibleMoves(Route.Last())) 
       // Create a copy of the route, and add this possible move to it. 
       List<Point> NextMoveRoot = new List<Point>(Route); 

      return NextMoveRoutes; 

     static List<Point> PossibleMoves(Point P) 
      // TODO Generate a list of possible places to move to 

      List<Point> Result = new List<Point>(); 

      Result.Add(new Point(P.X + 1, P.Y + 2)); 
      Result.Add(new Point(P.X - 1, P.Y + 2)); 
      Result.Add(new Point(P.X + 1, P.Y - 2)); 
      Result.Add(new Point(P.X - 1, P.Y - 2)); 

      Result.Add(new Point(P.X + 2, P.Y + 1)); 
      Result.Add(new Point(P.X - 2, P.Y + 1)); 
      Result.Add(new Point(P.X + 2, P.Y - 1)); 
      Result.Add(new Point(P.X - 2, P.Y - 1)); 

      Result.RemoveAll(PossibleMove => PossibleMove.X < 0 || PossibleMove.X > GridSize || 
              PossibleMove.Y < 0 || PossibleMove.Y > GridSize); 

      return Result; 


using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.Linq; 

namespace ConsoleApplication1 
    class Program 
     static int GridSize = 5; 

     static void Main(string[] args) 
      IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Point>> Positions = from X in Enumerable.Range(0, GridSize) 
                 from Y in Enumerable.Range(0, GridSize) 
                 select new List<Point>() { new Point(X, Y) } as IEnumerable<Point>; 

      var PossibleRoutes = WalkGraph(Positions, 100); 

      foreach (var Route in PossibleRoutes) 
       Console.WriteLine(Route.Select(P => P.ToString()).Aggregate((curr, next) => curr + " " + next)); 
       //Thread.Sleep(500); // Uncomment this to slow things down so you can read them! 


     static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Point>> WalkGraph(IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Point>> RoutesList, int DesiredLength) 
      foreach (var Route in RoutesList) 
       if (Route.Count() < DesiredLength) 
        // Extend the route (produces a list of routes) and recurse 
        foreach (var ExtendedRoute in WalkGraph(ExtendRoute(Route), DesiredLength)) 
         yield return ExtendedRoute; 
        yield return Route; 

     static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Point>> ExtendRoute(IEnumerable<Point> Route) 
      // Itterate through each possible move 
      foreach (var NextMove in PossibleMoves(Route.Last())) 
       // Create a copy of the route, and add this possible move to it. 
       List<Point> NextMoveRoute = new List<Point>(Route); 
       yield return NextMoveRoute; 

     static IEnumerable<Point> PossibleMoves(Point P) 
      List<Point> Result = new List<Point>(); 

      Result.Add(new Point(P.X + 1, P.Y + 2)); 
      Result.Add(new Point(P.X - 1, P.Y + 2)); 
      Result.Add(new Point(P.X + 1, P.Y - 2)); 
      Result.Add(new Point(P.X - 1, P.Y - 2)); 

      Result.Add(new Point(P.X + 2, P.Y + 1)); 
      Result.Add(new Point(P.X - 2, P.Y + 1)); 
      Result.Add(new Point(P.X + 2, P.Y - 1)); 
      Result.Add(new Point(P.X - 2, P.Y - 1)); 

      Result.RemoveAll(PossibleMove => PossibleMove.X < 0 || PossibleMove.X > GridSize || 
              PossibleMove.Y < 0 || PossibleMove.Y > GridSize); 

      return Result as IEnumerable<Point>; 

在我看到您編輯的文章之前發表了評論,讓我看看它,然後我會重新發表評論 – Gary 2011-05-05 13:06:03


非常感謝您,這種迭代方式確實可行(儘管一旦您達到一定數量的序列,但出於顯而易見的原因 - 有一噸的遞歸正在進行)。 – Gary 2011-05-05 14:04:24


@加里,我編輯了我的答案,包括使用IEnumerable的版本。根據您的使用情況,它可能會刪除內存使用問題。 – 2011-05-05 14:19:54






    1 1 1 1 
    1 1 1 1 
    1 1 1 1 
    1 1 1 1 

讓我們命名上面table0表,因爲這是第0舉動。要從table0獲得table1,您需要table1[r1c1] = table0[r2c3] + table0[r3c2],因爲r1c1只能由r2c3和r3c2中的騎士達成,另一個示例可以找到table1[r2c2] = table0[r1c4] + table0[r3c4] + table0[r4c3] + table0[r4c1],因爲r2c2只能由r1c4,r3c4,r4c3,r4c1中的騎士抵達。等等。



    2 3 3 2 
    3 4 4 3 
    3 4 4 3 
    2 3 3 2 


    8 10 10 8 
    10 10 10 10 
    10 10 10 10 
    8 10 10 8 


    20 30 30 20 
    30 36 36 30 
    30 36 36 30 
    20 30 30 20 


    72 96 96 72 
    96 100 100 96 
    96 100 100 96 
    72 96 96 72 


    200 292 192 200 
    192 336 336 192 
    192 336 336 192 
    200 192 192 200 


last = table from previous iteration 
next = create new table of zeros 

// corners 
next[r1c1] = last[r2c3] + last[r3c2] 
next[r1c4] = last[r2c2] + last[r3c3] 
next[r4c1] = last[r2c3] + last[r3c2] 
next[r4c4] = last[r3c3] + last[r3c3] 

// sides, clockwise 
next[r1c2] = last[r3c1] + last[r3c3] + last[r2c4] 
next[r1c3] = last[r3c2] + last[r3c4] + last[r2c1] 
next[r2c4] = last[r1c2] + last[r3c2] + last[r4c3] 
next[r3c4] = last[r2c2] + last[r4c2] + last[r1c3] 
next[r4c3] = last[r2c2] + last[r2c4] + last[r3c1] 
next[r4c2] = last[r2c1] + last[r2c3] + last[r3c4] 
next[r3c1] = last[r2c3] + last[r4c3] + last[r1c2] 
next[r2c1] = last[r1c3] + last[r3c3] + last[r4c2] 

// middle four 
next[r2c2] = last[r1c4] + last[r3c4] + last[r4c1] + last[r4c3] 
next[r2c3] = last[r1c1] + last[r3c1] + last[r4c2] + last[r4c4] 
next[r3c2] = last[r1c1] + last[r1c3] + last[r2c4] + last[r4c4] 
next[r3c3] = last[r2c1] + last[r4c1] + last[r1c2] + last[r1c4] 



我很喜歡這種方法。爲了使其適用於任何規模,您可以遍歷表格中的每個點,併爲該點可能的移動中的每個點遞增目標點。我不確定這是OP之後的情況,因爲這隻會給你在所有路線上遇到的每個位置的次數。我有一個嘮叨的感覺,這個想法可以適應解決這個問題,但我不能很好地解決這個問題。 – 2011-05-05 15:20:38



def extended_knight_tours(width, height, count): 
    start_x, start_y = -1, -1 

    def dfs(x, y, moves_left): 
     if not (0 <= x < width and 0 <= y < height): 
      return 0 
     if moves_left == 0: 
      if (start_x, start_y) == (x, y): 
       return 1 
       return 0 

     knight_moves = [(1, 2), (-1, 2), (1, -2), (-1, -2), 
         (2, 1), (2, -1), (-2, 1), (-2, -1)] 

     return sum(dfs(x + dx, y + dy, moves_left - 1) 
        for dx, dy in knight_moves) 

    ans = 0 
    for x in range(width): 
     for y in range(height): 
      start_x = x 
      start_y = y 
      ans += dfs(x, y, count) 

    return ans 


從玩這個功能,我注意到,每個奇數的答案是零。因此,一個可能更快的算法是找到每個起始位置的長度計數/ 2(不一定是路由)的路徑的數量。然後,可以使用count/2值計算位置爲中點的路徑數量,但我會將其作爲練習留給讀者:)