- (IBAction)throwDice {
//Create an array with the image objects
NSArray *diceNr = @[_dieOne, _dieTwo, _dieThree, _dieFour, _dieFive];
//For each image object, get a random number 0-5
//and place the associated image for this number in the image object
for (id dices in diceNr) {
NSUInteger dieIndex = arc4random_uniform(6);
NSArray *diceValue = @[@"one", @"two", @"three", @"four", @"five", @"six"];
NSNumber *dice = diceValue[dieIndex];
self.dices.image = dice;
的NSString *骰子= diceValue [dieIndex]; self.dices.image = [UIImage imageNamed:dice];但如果在數組中使用數字plz define array例如:NSArray * diceValue = @ [@ 1,@ 2,@ 3,@ 4,@ 5,@ 6]; –
謝謝,但我的問題似乎是在詞骰子。以下是錯誤消息:在視圖控制器類型的對象上未找到屬性dices。我想爲diceNr數組中的每個對象改變「dices」,如果不是這樣,我該怎麼做? – maraki
id替換爲對象的類型轉換和用戶代碼而不是self.dices –