$queryFromAgentBW = "SELECT DISTINCT reports.ID, reports.link, agent_names.ID, agent_names.Name, agent.BW_Actor_List, agent.Common_Name, agent.Reference, actor_list.ID
FROM agent_names, agent
JOIN actor_list ON(agent.BW_Actor_List = actor_list.ID)
JOIN reports ON(agent.Reference = reports.ID)
WHERE agent_names.ID = agent.Agent_Name AND BW_Actor_List = '".mysql_real_escape_string($a)."'";
$resultFromAgentBW = mysql_query($queryFromAgentBW);
//check result; show error for debugging
if (!$resultFromAgentBW)
$message = 'Invalid query:'.mysql_error()."\n";
$message .= 'Whole query:'.$queryFromAgentBW;
while ($rowBW = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultFromAgentBW))
// Need to get all this in an array and then print out later so agents
are listed only once with all of the corresponding reference numbers
$bwArray[] = $rowBW;
,而PHP的 「漂亮的打印」 的代碼部分:
foreach ($bwArray as $bw)
echo "Name: {$bw['Name']}<br />"
. "Ref: {$bw['Reference']}<br />"
. "Link: {$bw['link']}<br /><br />";
Name: Abrin toxin
Ref: 1
Link: C:\wamp\www\References\Abrin\AbrinandRicin_Patocka.pdf
Name: Abrin toxin
Ref: 6
Link: C:\wamp\www\References\Abrin\TheEmergencyResponseSafetyandHealthDatabase_ Biotoxin_ ABRIN.pdf
Name: Adenovirus
Ref: 9
Link: C:\wamp\www\References\Adenovirus\Adenovirus (Serotypes 40 & 41)_PHAC .pdf
Name: Adenovirus
Ref: 13
Link: C:\wamp\www\References\Adenovirus\AdenovirusSerotype31InfectioninaNewbornGirlandReviewoftheLiterature.pdf
Abrin Toxin [1, 6]
Adenovirus [9, 13]
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阿肖克學OOP,那麼如何實現DAO 。然後如何將觀點從邏輯中分離出來。這意味着在你的情況下:不要在同一個文件中執行兩個操作:使用數據庫和交織html。 – Flavius
@ Col. Shrapnel-哎呀!道歉,我應該說Q&A網站! @ Flavius - 是的,改進我的面向對象和DAO的理解能夠提高我的整體技能,並可能優化代碼,但Andrej L(在您評論之前發佈)的簡單提示/指導是我所需要的,並且真正回答了問題。此外,當你沒有特別選擇這個項目的原因,或者我的項目背景時,你對wamp的評論顯示了省級的觀念或更壞的無知。 – Ashok