2017-08-07 92 views




body { 
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    color: black; 

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<div id="logo"> 

    <img src="auto.png" alt="autologo" width="200" align="left" /> 


<div id="tagline"> 

    <h3><em>Explore the world's supercars</em> 


<div id="car"> 

    <img src="aventador-coupe-facebook-og.jpg" alt="lambo" width="700" border="5px" /> 


<p id="p01">Here is a picture of the Lamborghini Aventador</p> 

<p id="p02">The Lamborghini flagship model</p> 

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="4" align="center"> 





<h1 id="h102">FIND YOUR LUXURY CAR TODAY</h1>







    <title>My Car Website</title> 

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     color: black; 
     font-family: arial; 
    #car { 
     /* align: center; not a valid property */ 
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     font-family: arial; 

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    <div id="logo"> 

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/jUinHhf.png" alt="autologo" /> <!-- removed invalid attributes --> 


    <div id="tagline"> 

    <h3><em>Explore the world's supercars</em></h3> 


    <div id="car"> 

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/lfAFZaA.png" alt="lambo" width="700" border="5px" /> 


    <p id="p01">Here is a picture of the Lamborghini Aventador</p> 

    <p id="p02">The Lamborghini flagship model</p> 

    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="4" align="center"> 





    <h1 id="h102">FIND YOUR LUXURY CAR TODAY</h1> 

