2015-03-25 103 views

我想知道如何使用VBA代碼在我的收件箱Outlook 2010中打開Excel附件。使用VBA在Outlook 2010中打開Excel附件


  1. 檢查特定的主題不會改變「測試」
  2. 檢查電子郵件已讀或未讀,如果是讀就用它


我真的APPR eciate,如果你可以解釋代碼在做什麼,因爲我不熟悉Outlook連接位。


  • 它似乎運行的電子郵件有RE:在主題爲10PM和5PM電子郵件。我明確命名了這兩封電子郵件的主題。誰能幫我?
  • 我不熟悉爲Outlook對象聲明變量。我是否正確地聲明瞭變量?
  • 我還想複製每個文件中的數據並將其粘貼到另一個工作簿中。我希望將數據粘貼到每個工作簿的第一個數據下,因此需要查找最後一行,並將其粘貼到每個工作簿上每個數據的最後一行下方一行,然後粘貼到打開的工作簿上,該工作簿存儲在另一個路徑中。

Sub DownloadAttachmentFirstUnreadEmail() 

    Const olFolderInbox = 6 
    Const AttachmentPath As String = "C:\My Documents\Outlook Test\" 

    Dim oOlAtch As Object 

    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 
    Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
    Set objFolder = objNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) 
    Set objFolder = objFolder.Folders("**CLIENT ISSUES**").Folders("*Daily Reports").Folders("1. Open Trade Report") 

    Set colItems = objFolder.Items 
    Set colFilteredItems1 = colItems.Restrict("[Unread] = True AND [Subject] = '10PM FXC Email notification for Martin Currie'") 
    Set colFilteredItems2 = colItems.Restrict("[Unread] = True AND [Subject] = 'FXC Email notification for Martin Currie Funds'") 

     '~~> Check if there are any actual unread 10PM FXC emails 
    If colFilteredItems1.Count = 0 Then 
     MsgBox "NO Unread 10PM Email In Inbox" 
     '~~> Extract the attachment from the 1st unread email 
     For Each colItems In colFilteredItems1 
      '~~> Check if the email actually has an attachment 
      If colItems.Attachments.Count <> 0 Then 
       For Each oOlAtch In colItems.Attachments 
        '~~> save the attachment and open them 
        oOlAtch.SaveAsFile AttachmentPath & oOlAtch.Filename 
        Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=AttachmentPath & oOlAtch.Filename) 
       Next oOlAtch 
       MsgBox "10PM email doesn't have an attachment" 
      End If 
     Next colItems 

    End If 

      '~~> Check if there are any actual unread FXC Email emails 
    If colFilteredItems2.Count = 0 Then 
     MsgBox "NO Unread 5PM Email In Inbox" 
     '~~> Extract the attachment from the 1st unread email 
     For Each colItems In colFilteredItems2 
      '~~> Check if the email actually has an attachment 
      If colItems.Attachments.Count <> 0 Then 
       For Each oOlAtch In colItems.Attachments 
        '~~> save the attachment and open them 
        oOlAtch.SaveAsFile AttachmentPath & oOlAtch.Filename 
        Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=AttachmentPath & oOlAtch.Filename) 
       Next oOlAtch 
       MsgBox "5PM email doesn't have an attachment" 
      End If 
     Next colItems 

    End If 

End Sub 



首先,我建議從Getting Started with VBA in Outlook 2010文章開始在MSDN。


public sub test(mail as MailItem) 
end sub 
