2013-09-24 131 views






var ddsmoothmenu = { 

///////////////////////// Global Configuration Options: ///////////////////////// 

//Specify full URL to down and right arrow images (23 is padding-right for top level LIs with drop downs, 6 is for vertical top level items with fly outs): 
arrowimages: {down:['downarrowclass', 'down.gif', 23], right:['rightarrowclass', 'right.gif', 6]}, 
transition: {overtime:300, outtime:300}, //duration of slide in/ out animation, in milliseconds 
shadow: true, //enable shadow? (offsets now set in ddsmoothmenu.css stylesheet) 
showhidedelay: {showdelay: 100, hidedelay: 200}, //set delay in milliseconds before sub menus appear and disappear, respectively 
zindexvalue: 1000, //set z-index value for menus 
closeonnonmenuclick: true, //when clicking outside of any "toggle" method menu, should all "toggle" menus close? 
closeonmouseout: false, //when leaving a "toggle" menu, should all "toggle" menus close? Will not work on touchscreen 

/////////////////////// End Global Configuration Options //////////////////////// 

overarrowre: /(?=\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp))/i, 
overarrowaddtofilename: '_over', 
detecttouch: !!('ontouchstart' in window) || !!('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) || !!window.ontouchstart || (!!window.Touch && !!window.Touch.length) || !!window.onmsgesturechange || (window.DocumentTouch && window.document instanceof window.DocumentTouch), 
detectwebkit: navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("applewebkit") > -1, //detect WebKit browsers (Safari, Chrome etc) 
idevice: /ipad|iphone/i.test(navigator.userAgent), 
detectie6: (function(){var ie; return (ie = /MSIE (\d+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)) && ie[1] < 7;})(), 
detectie9: (function(){var ie; return (ie = /MSIE (\d+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)) && ie[1] > 8;})(), 
ie9shadow: function(){}, 
css3support: typeof document.documentElement.style.boxShadow === 'string' || (!document.all && document.querySelector), //detect browsers that support CSS3 box shadows (ie9+ or FF3.5+, Safari3+, Chrome etc) 
prevobjs: [], menus: null, 

executelink: function($, prevobjs, e){ 
    var prevscount = prevobjs.length, link = e.target; 
    while(--prevscount > -1){ 
     if(prevobjs[prevscount] === this){ 
      prevobjs.splice(prevscount, 1); 
      if(link.href !== ddsmoothmenu.emptyhash && link.href && $(link).is('a') && !$(link).children('span.' + ddsmoothmenu.arrowimages.down[0] +', span.' + ddsmoothmenu.arrowimages.right[0]).length){ 
       if(link.target && link.target !== '_self'){ 
        window.open(link.href, link.target); 
       } else { 
        window.location.href = link.href; 

repositionv: function($subul, $link, newtop, winheight, doctop, method, menutop){ 
    menutop = menutop || 0; 
    var topinc = 0, doclimit = winheight + doctop; 
    $subul.css({top: newtop, display: 'block'}); 
    while($subul.offset().top < doctop) { 
     $subul.css({top: ++newtop}); 
    if(!topinc && $link.offset().top + $link.outerHeight() < doclimit && $subul.data('height') + $subul.offset().top > doclimit){ 
     $subul.css({top: doctop - $link.parents('ul').last().offset().top - $link.position().top}); 
    method === 'toggle' && $subul.css({display: 'none'}); 
    if(newtop !== menutop){$subul.addClass('repositionedv');} 
    return [topinc, newtop]; 

updateprev: function($, prevobjs, $curobj){ 
    var prevscount = prevobjs.length, prevobj, $indexobj = $curobj.parents().add(this); 
    while(--prevscount > -1){ 
     if($indexobj.index((prevobj = prevobjs[prevscount])) < 0){ 
      $(prevobj).trigger('click', [1]); 
      prevobjs.splice(prevscount, 1); 

subulpreventemptyclose: function(e){ 
    var link = e.target; 
    if(link.href === ddsmoothmenu.emptyhash && $(link).parent('li').find('ul').length < 1){ 

getajaxmenu: function($, setting, nobuild){ //function to fetch external page containing the panel DIVs 
    var $menucontainer=$('#'+setting.contentsource[0]); //reference empty div on page that will hold menu 
    $menucontainer.html("Loading Menu..."); 
     url: setting.contentsource[1], //path to external menu file 
     async: true, 
     error: function(ajaxrequest){ 
      $menucontainer.html('Error fetching content. Server Response: '+ajaxrequest.responseText); 
     success: function(content){ 
      !!!nobuild && ddsmoothmenu.buildmenu($, setting); 

closeall: function(e){ 
    var smoothmenu = ddsmoothmenu, prevscount; 
    if(e.type === 'mouseleave' || ((e.type === 'click' || e.type === 'touchstart') && smoothmenu.menus.index(e.target) < 0)){ 
     prevscount = smoothmenu.prevobjs.length; 
     while(--prevscount > -1){ 
      smoothmenu.prevobjs.splice(prevscount, 1); 

emptyhash: $('<a href="#"></a>').get(0).href, 

buildmenu: function($, setting){ 
    var smoothmenu = ddsmoothmenu; 
    smoothmenu.globaltrackopen = smoothmenu.closeonnonmenuclick || smoothmenu.closeonmouseout; 
    var zsub = 0; //subtractor to be incremented so that each top level menu can be covered by previous one's drop downs 
    var prevobjs = smoothmenu.globaltrackopen? smoothmenu.prevobjs : []; 
    var $mainparent = $("#"+setting.mainmenuid).removeClass("ddsmoothmenu ddsmoothmenu-v").addClass(setting.classname || "ddsmoothmenu"); 
    setting.repositionv = setting.repositionv !== false; 
    var $mainmenu = $mainparent.find('>ul'); //reference main menu UL 
    var method = smoothmenu.detecttouch? 'toggle' : setting.method === 'toggle'? 'toggle' : 'hover'; 
    var $topheaders = $mainmenu.find('>li>ul').parent();//has('ul'); 
    var orient = setting.orientation!='v'? 'down' : 'right', $parentshadow = $(document.body); 
    $mainmenu.click(function(e){e.target.href === smoothmenu.emptyhash && e.preventDefault();}); 
    if(method === 'toggle') { 
      smoothmenu.menus = smoothmenu.menus? smoothmenu.menus.add($mainmenu.add($mainmenu.find('*'))) : $mainmenu.add($mainmenu.find('*')); 
      if(orient === 'down'){$mainparent.click(function(e){e.stopPropagation();});} 
      $(document).unbind('click.smoothmenu').bind('click.smoothmenu', smoothmenu.closeall); 
       document.removeEventListener('touchstart', smoothmenu.closeall, false); 
       document.addEventListener('touchstart', smoothmenu.closeall, false); 
     } else if (setting.closeonnonmenuclick){ 
      if(orient === 'down'){$mainparent.click(function(e){e.stopPropagation();});} 
      $(document).bind('click.' + setting.mainmenuid, function(e){$mainmenu.find('li>a.selected').parent().trigger('click');}); 
       document.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e){$mainmenu.find('li>a.selected').parent().trigger('click');}, false); 
      var $leaveobj = orient === 'down'? $mainparent : $mainmenu; 
      $leaveobj.bind('mouseleave.smoothmenu', smoothmenu.closeall); 
     } else if (setting.closeonmouseout){ 
      var $leaveobj = orient === 'down'? $mainparent : $mainmenu; 
      $leaveobj.bind('mouseleave.smoothmenu', function(){$mainmenu.find('li>a.selected').parent().trigger('click');}); 
      $('head').append('<style title="ddsmoothmenushadowsnone" type="text/css">.ddsmoothmenushadowsnone{display:none!important;}</style>'); 
     var shadowstimer; 
     $(window).bind('resize scroll', function(){ 
      var $selected = $mainmenu.find('li>a.selected').parent(), 
      $shadows = $('.ddshadow').addClass('ddsmoothmenushadowsnone'); 
      shadowstimer = setTimeout(function(){$shadows.removeClass('ddsmoothmenushadowsnone');}, 100); 

     var $curobj=$(this).css({zIndex: (setting.zindexvalue || smoothmenu.zindexvalue) + zsub--}); //reference current LI header 
     var $subul=$curobj.children('ul:eq(0)').css({display:'block'}).data('timers', {}); 
     var $link = $curobj.children("a:eq(0)").css({paddingRight: smoothmenu.arrowimages[orient][2]}).append(//add arrow images 
      '<span style="display: block;" class="' + smoothmenu.arrowimages[orient][0] + '"></span>' 
     var dimensions = { 
      w : $link.outerWidth(), 
      h : $curobj.innerHeight(), 
      subulw : $subul.outerWidth(), 
      subulh : $subul.outerHeight() 
     var menutop = orient === 'down'? dimensions.h : 0; 
     $subul.css({top: menutop}); 
     function restore(){$link.removeClass('selected');} 
     method === 'toggle' && $subul.click(smoothmenu.subulpreventemptyclose); 
        smoothmenu.buildsubheaders($, $subul.find('>li>ul').parent(), setting, method, prevobjs); 
        $curobj.data('headers', true).find('>ul').each(function(i, ul){ 
         var $ul = $(ul); 
         $ul.data('height', $ul.outerHeight()); 
        }).css({display:'none', visibility:'visible'}); 
       method === 'toggle' && smoothmenu.updateprev.call(this, $, prevobjs, $curobj); 
        var menuleft = orient === 'down'? 0 : dimensions.w; 
        var menumoved = menuleft, newtop, doctop, winheight, topinc = 0; 
        menuleft=($curobj.offset().left+menuleft+dimensions.subulw>$(window).width())? (orient === 'down'? -dimensions.subulw+dimensions.w : -dimensions.w) : menuleft; //calculate this sub menu's offsets from its parent 
        menumoved = menumoved !== menuleft; 
        $subul.css({top: menutop}).removeClass('repositionedv'); 
        if(setting.repositionv && $link.offset().top + menutop + $subul.data('height') > (winheight = $(window).height()) + (doctop = $(document).scrollTop())){ 
         newtop = (orient === 'down'? 0 : $link.outerHeight()) - $subul.data('height'); 
         topinc = smoothmenu.repositionv($subul, $link, newtop, winheight, doctop, method, menutop)[0]; 
        $subul.css({left:menuleft, width:dimensions.subulw}).stop(true, true).animate({height:'show',opacity:'show'}, smoothmenu.transition.overtime, function(){this.style.removeAttribute && this.style.removeAttribute('filter');}); 
        if(menumoved){$subul.addClass('repositioned');} else {$subul.removeClass('repositioned');} 
        if (setting.shadow){ 
          $curobj.data('$shadow', $('<div></div>').addClass('ddshadow toplevelshadow').prependTo($parentshadow).css({zIndex: $curobj.css('zIndex')})); //insert shadow DIV and set it to parent node for the next shadow div 
         var offsets = $subul.offset(); 
         var shadowleft = offsets.left; 
         var shadowtop = offsets.top; 
         $curobj.data('$shadow').css({overflow: 'visible', width:dimensions.subulw, left:shadowleft, top:shadowtop}).stop(true, true).animate({height:dimensions.subulh}, smoothmenu.transition.overtime); 
       }, smoothmenu.showhidedelay.showdelay); 
      function(e, speed){ 
       var $shadow = $curobj.data('$shadow'); 
       if(method === 'hover'){restore();} 
       else{smoothmenu.executelink.call(this, $, prevobjs, e);} 
        $subul.stop(true, true).animate({height:'hide', opacity:'hide'}, speed || smoothmenu.transition.outtime, function(){method === 'toggle' && restore();}); 
        if ($shadow){ 
         if (!smoothmenu.css3support && smoothmenu.detectwebkit){ //in WebKit browsers, set first child shadow's opacity to 0, as "overflow:hidden" doesn't work in them 
         $shadow.stop(true, true).animate({height:0}, speed || smoothmenu.transition.outtime, function(){if(method === 'toggle'){this.style.overflow = 'hidden';}}); 
       }, smoothmenu.showhidedelay.hidedelay); 
     ); //end hover/toggle 
    }); //end $topheaders.each() 

buildsubheaders: function($, $headers, setting, method, prevobjs){ 
    $headers.each(function(){ //loop through each LI header 
     var smoothmenu = ddsmoothmenu; 
     var $curobj=$(this).css({zIndex: $(this).parent('ul').css('z-index')}); //reference current LI header 
     var $subul=$curobj.children('ul:eq(0)').css({display:'block'}).data('timers', {}), $parentshadow; 
     method === 'toggle' && $subul.click(smoothmenu.subulpreventemptyclose); 
     var $link = $curobj.children("a:eq(0)").append(//add arrow images 
      '<span style="display: block;" class="' + smoothmenu.arrowimages['right'][0] + '"></span>' 
     var dimensions = { 
      w : $link.outerWidth(), 
      subulw : $subul.outerWidth(), 
      subulh : $subul.outerHeight() 
     $subul.css({top: 0}); 
     function restore(){$link.removeClass('selected');} 
        smoothmenu.buildsubheaders($, $subul.find('>li>ul').parent(), setting, method, prevobjs); 
        $curobj.data('headers', true).find('>ul').each(function(i, ul){ 
         var $ul = $(ul); 
         $ul.data('height', $ul.height()); 
        }).css({display:'none', visibility:'visible'}); 
       method === 'toggle' && smoothmenu.updateprev.call(this, $, prevobjs, $curobj); 
        var menuleft= dimensions.w; 
        var menumoved = menuleft, newtop, doctop, winheight, topinc = 0; 
        menuleft=($curobj.offset().left+menuleft+dimensions.subulw>$(window).width())? -dimensions.w : menuleft; //calculate this sub menu's offsets from its parent 
        menumoved = menumoved !== menuleft; 
        $subul.css({top: 0}).removeClass('repositionedv'); 
        if(setting.repositionv && $link.offset().top + $subul.data('height') > (winheight = $(window).height()) + (doctop = $(document).scrollTop())){ 
         newtop = $link.outerHeight() - $subul.data('height'); 
         topinc = smoothmenu.repositionv($subul, $link, newtop, winheight, doctop, method); 
         newtop = topinc[1]; 
         topinc = topinc[0]; 
        $subul.css({left:menuleft, width:dimensions.subulw}).stop(true, true).animate({height:'show',opacity:'show'}, smoothmenu.transition.overtime, function(){this.style.removeAttribute && this.style.removeAttribute('filter');}); 
        if(menumoved){$subul.addClass('repositioned');} else {$subul.removeClass('repositioned');} 
        if (setting.shadow){ 
          $parentshadow = $curobj.parents("li:eq(0)").data('$shadow'); 
          $curobj.data('$shadow', $('<div></div>').addClass('ddshadow').prependTo($parentshadow).css({zIndex: $parentshadow.css('z-index')})); //insert shadow DIV and set it to parent node for the next shadow div 
         var offsets = $subul.offset(); 
         var shadowleft = menuleft; 
         var shadowtop = $curobj.position().top - (newtop? $subul.data('height') - $link.outerHeight() - topinc : 0); 
         if (smoothmenu.detectwebkit && !smoothmenu.css3support){ //in WebKit browsers, restore shadow's opacity to full 
         $curobj.data('$shadow').css({overflow: 'visible', width:dimensions.subulw, left:shadowleft, top:shadowtop}).stop(true, true).animate({height:dimensions.subulh}, smoothmenu.transition.overtime); 
       }, smoothmenu.showhidedelay.showdelay); 
      function(e, speed){ 
       var $shadow = $curobj.data('$shadow'); 
       if(method === 'hover'){restore();} 
       else{smoothmenu.executelink.call(this, $, prevobjs, e);} 
        $subul.stop(true, true).animate({height:'hide', opacity:'hide'}, speed || smoothmenu.transition.outtime, function(){ 
         method === 'toggle' && restore(); 
        if ($shadow){ 
         if (!smoothmenu.css3support && smoothmenu.detectwebkit){ //in WebKit browsers, set first child shadow's opacity to 0, as "overflow:hidden" doesn't work in them 
         $shadow.stop(true, true).animate({height:0}, speed || smoothmenu.transition.outtime, function(){if(method === 'toggle'){this.style.overflow = 'hidden';}}); 
       }, smoothmenu.showhidedelay.hidedelay); 
     ); //end hover/toggle for subheaders 
    }); //end $headers.each() for subheaders 

init: function(setting){ 
    if(this.detectie6 && parseFloat(jQuery.fn.jquery) > 1.3){ 
     this.init = function(setting){ 
      if (typeof setting.contentsource=="object"){ //if external ajax menu 
       jQuery(function($){ddsmoothmenu.getajaxmenu($, setting, 'nobuild');}); 
      return false; 
     jQuery('link[href*="ddsmoothmenu"]').attr('disabled', true); 
      alert('You Seriously Need to Update Your Browser!\n\nDynamic Drive Smooth Navigational Menu Showing Text Only Menu(s)\n\nDEVELOPER\'s NOTE: This script will run in IE 6 when using jQuery 1.3.2 or less,\nbut not real well.'); 
       $('link[href*="ddsmoothmenu"]').attr('disabled', true); 
     return this.init(setting); 
    var mainmenuid = '#' + setting.mainmenuid, right, down, stylestring = ['</style>\n'], stylesleft = setting.arrowswap? 4 : 2; 
    function addstyles(){ 
     if (typeof setting.customtheme=="object" && setting.customtheme.length==2){ //override default menu colors (default/hover) with custom set? 
      var mainselector=(setting.orientation=="v")? mainmenuid : mainmenuid+', '+mainmenuid; 
      stylestring.push([mainselector,' ul li a {background:',setting.customtheme[0],';}\n', 
       mainmenuid,' ul li a:hover {background:',setting.customtheme[1],';}'].join('')); 
     stylestring.push('\n<style type="text/css">'); 
     right = ddsmoothmenu.arrowimages.right[1].replace(ddsmoothmenu.overarrowre, ddsmoothmenu.overarrowaddtofilename); 
     down = ddsmoothmenu.arrowimages.down[1].replace(ddsmoothmenu.overarrowre, ddsmoothmenu.overarrowaddtofilename); 
     jQuery(new Image()).bind('load error', function(e){ 
      setting.rightswap = e.type === 'load'; 
       stylestring.push([mainmenuid, ' ul li a:hover .', ddsmoothmenu.arrowimages.right[0], ', ', 
       mainmenuid, ' ul li a.selected .', ddsmoothmenu.arrowimages.right[0], 
       ' { background-image: url(', this.src, ');}'].join('')); 
     }).attr('src', right); 
     jQuery(new Image()).bind('load error', function(e){ 
      setting.downswap = e.type === 'load'; 
       stylestring.push([mainmenuid, ' ul li a:hover .', ddsmoothmenu.arrowimages.down[0], ', ', 
       mainmenuid, ' ul li a.selected .', ddsmoothmenu.arrowimages.down[0], 
       ' { background-image: url(', this.src, ');}'].join('')); 
     }).attr('src', down); 
    jQuery(new Image()).bind('load error', function(e){ 
     if(e.type === 'load'){ 
      stylestring.push([mainmenuid+' ul li a .', ddsmoothmenu.arrowimages.right[0],' { background: url(', this.src, ') no-repeat;width:', this.width,'px;height:', this.height, 'px;}'].join('')); 
    }).attr('src', ddsmoothmenu.arrowimages.right[1]); 
    jQuery(new Image()).bind('load error', function(e){ 
     if(e.type === 'load'){ 
      stylestring.push([mainmenuid+' ul li a .', ddsmoothmenu.arrowimages.down[0],' { background: url(', this.src, ') no-repeat;width:', this.width,'px;height:', this.height, 'px;}'].join('')); 
    }).attr('src', ddsmoothmenu.arrowimages.down[1]); 
    setting.shadow = this.detectie6 && (setting.method === 'hover' || setting.orientation === 'v')? false : setting.shadow || this.shadow; //in IE6, always disable shadow except for horizontal toggle menus 
    jQuery(document).ready(function($){ //ajax menu? 
     if (setting.shadow && ddsmoothmenu.css3support){$('body').addClass('ddcss3support');} 
     if (typeof setting.contentsource=="object"){ //if external ajax menu 
      ddsmoothmenu.getajaxmenu($, setting); 
     else{ //else if markup menu 
      ddsmoothmenu.buildmenu($, setting); 
}; //end ddsmoothmenu variable 

// Patch for jQuery 1.9+ which lack click toggle (deprecated in 1.8, removed in 1.9) 
// Will not run if using another patch like jQuery Migrate, which also takes care of this 
     var clicktogglable = false; 
     try { 
      $('<a href="#"></a>').toggle(function(){}, function(){clicktogglable = true;}).trigger('click').trigger('click'); 
     } catch(e){} 
     return !clicktogglable; 
     var toggleDisp = jQuery.fn.toggle; // There's an animation/css method named .toggle() that toggles display. Save a reference to it. 
     jQuery.extend(jQuery.fn, { 
      toggle: function(fn, fn2) { 
       // The method fired depends on the arguments passed. 
       if (!jQuery.isFunction(fn) || !jQuery.isFunction(fn2)) { 
        return toggleDisp.apply(this, arguments); 
       // Save reference to arguments for access in closure 
       var args = arguments, guid = fn.guid || jQuery.guid++, 
        i = 0, 
        toggler = function(event) { 
         // Figure out which function to execute 
         var lastToggle = (jQuery._data(this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid) || 0) % i; 
         jQuery._data(this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid, lastToggle + 1); 

         // Make sure that clicks stop 

         // and execute the function 
         return args[ lastToggle ].apply(this, arguments) || false; 

       // link all the functions, so any of them can unbind this click handler 
       toggler.guid = guid; 
       while (i < args.length) { 
        args[ i++ ].guid = guid; 

       return this.click(toggler); 

/* TECHNICAL NOTE: To overcome an intermittent layout bug in IE 9+, the script will change margin top and left for the shadows to 
    1px less than their computed values, and the first two values for the box-shadow property will be changed to 1px larger than 
    computed, ex: -1px top and left margins and 6px 6px 5px #aaa box-shadow results in what appears to be a 5px box-shadow. 
    Other browsers skip this step and it shouldn't affect you in most cases. In some rare cases it will result in 
    slightly narrower (by 1px) box shadows for IE 9+ on one or more of the drop downs. Without this, sometimes 
    the shadows could be 1px beyond their drop down resulting in a gap. This is the first of the two patches below. 
    and also relates to the MS CSSOM which uses decimal fractions of pixels for layout while only reporting rounded values. 
    There appears to be no computedStyle workaround for this one. */ 

//Scripted CSS Patch for IE 9+ intermittent mis-rendering of box-shadow elements (see above TECHNICAL NOTE for more info) 
//And jQuery Patch for IE 9+ CSSOM re: offset Width and Height and re: getBoundingClientRect(). Both run only in IE 9 and later. 
//IE 9 + uses decimal fractions of pixels internally for layout but only reports rounded values using the offset and getBounding methods. 
//These are sometimes rounded inconsistently. This second patch gets the decimal values directly from computedStyle. 
    (function($){ //begin Scripted CSS Patch 
     function incdec(v, how){return parseInt(v) + how + 'px';} 
     ddsmoothmenu.ie9shadow = function($elem){ //runs once 
      var getter = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle($elem.get(0), null), 
      curshadow = getter.getPropertyValue('box-shadow').split(' '), 
      curmargin = {top: getter.getPropertyValue('margin-top'), left: getter.getPropertyValue('margin-left')}; 
      $('head').append(['\n<style title="ie9shadow" type="text/css">', 
      '.ddcss3support .ddshadow {', 
      '\tbox-shadow: ' + incdec(curshadow[0], 1) + ' ' + incdec(curshadow[1], 1) + ' ' + curshadow[2] + ' ' + curshadow[3] + ';', 
      '}', '.ddcss3support .ddshadow.toplevelshadow {', 
      '\topacity: ' + ($('.ddcss3support .ddshadow').css('opacity') - 0.1) + ';', 
      '\tmargin-top: ' + incdec(curmargin.top, -1) + ';', 
      '\tmargin-left: ' + incdec(curmargin.left, -1) + ';', '}', 
      ddsmoothmenu.ie9shadow = function(){}; //becomes empty function after running once 
     }; //end Scripted CSS Patch 
     var jqheight = $.fn.height, jqwidth = $.fn.width; //begin jQuery Patch for IE 9+ .height() and .width() 
     $.extend($.fn, { 
      height: function(){ 
       var obj = this.get(0); 
       if(this.length < 1 || arguments.length || obj === window || obj === document){ 
        return jqheight.apply(this, arguments); 
       return parseFloat(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null).getPropertyValue('height')); 
      innerHeight: function(){ 
       if(this.length < 1){return null;} 
       var val = this.height(), obj = this.get(0), getter = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null); 
       val += parseInt(getter.getPropertyValue('padding-top')); 
       val += parseInt(getter.getPropertyValue('padding-bottom')); 
       return val; 
      outerHeight: function(bool){ 
       if(this.length < 1){return null;} 
       var val = this.innerHeight(), obj = this.get(0), getter = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null); 
       val += parseInt(getter.getPropertyValue('border-top-width')); 
       val += parseInt(getter.getPropertyValue('border-bottom-width')); 
        val += parseInt(getter.getPropertyValue('margin-top')); 
        val += parseInt(getter.getPropertyValue('margin-bottom')); 
       return val; 
      width: function(){ 
       var obj = this.get(0); 
       if(this.length < 1 || arguments.length || obj === window || obj === document){ 
        return jqwidth.apply(this, arguments); 
       return parseFloat(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null).getPropertyValue('width')); 
      innerWidth: function(){ 
       if(this.length < 1){return null;} 
       var val = this.width(), obj = this.get(0), getter = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null); 
       val += parseInt(getter.getPropertyValue('padding-right')); 
       val += parseInt(getter.getPropertyValue('padding-left')); 
       return val; 
      outerWidth: function(bool){ 
       if(this.length < 1){return null;} 
       var val = this.innerWidth(), obj = this.get(0), getter = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null); 
       val += parseInt(getter.getPropertyValue('border-right-width')); 
       val += parseInt(getter.getPropertyValue('border-left-width')); 
        val += parseInt(getter.getPropertyValue('margin-right')); 
        val += parseInt(getter.getPropertyValue('margin-left')); 
       return val; 
     }); //end jQuery Patch for IE 9+ .height() and .width() 

嘗試和隔離問題,以較少代碼塊。這裏沒有人會去調試這件事情。 – Itay


這是一個巨大的代碼塊,用於轉儲其他人進行調試。註釋塊直到問題消失,然後取消註釋並重新評論,直到可以將問題追溯到少數幾種方法。我們很樂意提供幫助,但並不多。使用你的調試技巧一點點...如果你不能這樣做,提供一個jsfiddle這個例子的問題 – Basic





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