2013-08-26 245 views


private void compare_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      string firstFile = firstExcel_txt.Text; 
      var results = ReadExcel(openFileDialog1); 
      string secondFile = secondExcel_txt.Text; 
      var results2 = ReadExcel(openFileDialog2); 



public object ReadExcel(OpenFileDialog openFileDialog) 
      var _excelFile = new ExcelQueryFactory(openFileDialog.FileName); 
      var _info = from c in _excelFile.WorksheetNoHeader() select c; 
      string header1, header2, header3; 
      foreach (var item in _info) 
       header1 = item.ElementAt(0); 
       header2 = item.ElementAt(1); 
       header3 = item.ElementAt(2); 
      return _info; 



最好也是最準確的方法是將它們都轉換爲字節數組,並在轉換它們時進行比較。以下鏈接將幫助您將Excel錶轉換爲字節數組:http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/1a81c5/convert-file-to-byte-array-and-byte-array-to-files/ – Max


Masriyah你只有3列,或者你只是簡化了你的代碼?我沒有看到你在哪裏保持Excel文件的內容來執行比較 –


或者你可以放棄列和哈希其餘的。如果這兩個文件的哈希匹配,那麼他們具有相同的數據,逐字。取決於所使用的算法,哈希碰撞的可能性很小,但它很小,在碰撞之前地獄會凍結。 – Renan





using System.Security.Cryptography; 

private void compare_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    string firstFile = firstExcel_txt.Text; 
    ExcelInfo file1 = ReadExcel(openFileDialog1); 

    string secondFile = secondExcel_txt.Text; 
    ExcelInfo file2 = ReadExcel(openFileDialog2); 

    CompareExcels(file1,file2) ; 

public void CompareExcels(ExcelInfo fileA, ExcelInfo fileB) 
    foreach(ExcelRow rowA in fileA.excelRows) 
     //If the current hash of a row of fileA does not exists in fileB then it was removed 
     if(! fileB.ContainsHash(rowA.hash)) 
      Console.WriteLine("Row removed" + rowA.ToString()); 

    foreach(ExcelRow rowB in fileB.excelRows) 
     //If the current hash of a row of fileB does not exists in fileA then it was added 
     if(! fileA.ContainsHash(rowB.hash)) 
      Console.WriteLine("Row added" + rowB.ToString()); 

public Class ExcelRow 
    public List<String> lstCells ; 
    public byte[] hash 

    public ExcelRow() 
     lstCells = new List<String>() ; 
    public override string ToString() 
     string resp ; 

     resp = string.Empty ; 

     foreach(string cellText in lstCells) 
      if(resp != string.Empty) 
       resp = resp + "," + cellText ; 
       resp = cellText ; 
     return resp ; 
    public void CalculateHash() 
     byte[] rowBytes ; 
     byte[] cellBytes ; 
     int pos ; 
     int numRowBytes ; 

     //Determine how much bytes are required to store a single excel row 
     numRowBytes = 0 ; 
     foreach(string cellText in lstCells) 
      numRowBytes += NumBytes(cellText) ; 

     //Allocate space to calculate the HASH of a single row 

     rowBytes= new byte[numRowBytes] 
     pos = 0 ; 

     //Concatenate the cellText of each cell, converted to bytes,into a single byte array 
     foreach(string cellText in lstCells) 
      cellBytes = GetBytes(cellText) ; 
      System.Buffer.BlockCopy(cellBytes, 0, rowBytes, pos, cellBytes.Length); 
      pos = cellBytes.Length ; 


     hash = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(rowBytes); 

    static int NumBytes(string str) 
     return str.Length * sizeof(char); 

    static byte[] GetBytes(string str) 
     byte[] bytes = new byte[NumBytes(str)]; 
     System.Buffer.BlockCopy(str.ToCharArray(), 0, bytes, 0, bytes.Length); 
     return bytes; 
public Class ExcelInfo 
    public List<ExcelRow> excelRows ; 

    public ExcelInfo() 
     excelRows = new List<ExcelRow>(); 
    public bool ContainsHash(byte[] hashToLook) 
     bool found ; 

     found = false ; 

     foreach(ExcelRow eRow in excelRows) 
      found = EqualHash(eRow.hash, hashToLook) ; 

       break ; 

     return found ; 
    public static EqualHash(byte[] hashA, byte[] hashB) 
     bool bEqual ; 
     int i ; 

     bEqual = false; 
     if (hashA.Length == hashB.Length) 
      i = 0; 
      while ((i < hashA.Length) && (hashA[i] == hashB[i])) 
       i++ ; 
      if (i == hashA.Length) 
       bEqual = true; 
     return bEqual ; 

public ExcelInfo ReadExcel(OpenFileDialog openFileDialog) 
    var _excelFile = new ExcelQueryFactory(openFileDialog.FileName); 
    var _info = from c in _excelFile.WorksheetNoHeader() select c; 

    ExcelRow excelRow ; 
    ExcelInfo resp ; 

    resp = new ExcelInfo() ; 

    foreach (var item in _info) 
     excelRow = new ExcelRow() ; 

     //Add all the cells (with a for each) 
     //Add the last cell of the row 

     //Calculate the hash of the row 
     excelRow.CalculateHash() ; 

     //Add the row to the ExcelInfo object 
     resp.excelRows.Add(excelRow) ; 
    return resp ; 

我會繼續嘗試,並會讓你知道謝謝。 – Masriyah


爲我在ReadExcel方法返回'return _info'它拋出一個錯誤,我缺少一個強制轉換,並不能從linq IQuerable轉換爲ExcelInfo(ExcelFileReader)。 – Masriyah


@Masriyah對不起,你需要「返回」 –


最準確的方法是將它們二者轉換爲byte arrays,檢查差異當兩者都轉換爲一個數組,使用以下,關於如何轉換Excel片byte arrays鏈路的簡單例子

Convert Excel to Byte[]

現在你已經轉換既您的Excel工作表中,以一個byte [],你應該檢查他們通過檢查不同如果字節數組相等,yes或no。


using System.Linq; //SequenceEqual 

byte[] FirstExcelFileBytes = null; 
byte[] SecondExcelFileBytes = null; 

FirstExcelFileBytes = GetFirstExcelFile(); 
SecondExcelFileBytes = GetSecondExcelFile(); 

if (FirstExcelFileBytes.SequenceEqual<byte>(SecondExcelFileBytes) == true) 
     MessageBox.Show("Arrays are equal"); 
    MessageBox.Show("Arrays don't match"); 


使用下面的鏈接,以檢查之類的東西Row addedrow removed

Compare excelsheets


我相信這會有很大的幫助。我正在尋找更多的東西,像一排被添加或刪除 - 是否有可能? – Masriyah


幫助鏈接是爲了實現這一目標,比較字節數組將返回true或false – Max