2016-11-06 43 views


canMove :: (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int) -> [(Int,Int)] -> Bool 

canMove (x) (y) list 
     | (x (fst lastMove),y (snd lastMove)) `elem` list = False 
     | newX> 8 || newY> 8 || newX<=0 || newY<=0 = False 
     | otherwise = True 
     where lastMove = last list 
       newX = x (fst lastMove) 
       newY = y (snd lastMove) 

move :: [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] 
move list 
    | length list == 64 = list 
    | canMove (+1) (+2) list = move (list ++ [(x+1,y+2)]) 
    | canMove (+2) (+1) list = move (list ++ [(x+2,y+1)]) 
    | canMove (subtract 1) (+2) list = move (list ++ [(x-1,y+2)]) 
    | canMove (subtract 2) (+1) list = move (list ++ [(x-2,y+1)]) 
    | canMove (subtract 1) (subtract 2) list = move (list ++ [(x-1,y-2)]) 
    | canMove (subtract 2) (subtract 1) list = move (list ++ [(x-2,y-1)]) 
    | canMove (+1) (subtract 2) list = move (list ++ [(x+1,y-2)]) 
    | canMove (+2) (subtract 1) list = move (list ++ [(x+2,y-1)]) 
    | otherwise = list 
    where lastMove = last list 
     x = fst lastMove 
     y = snd lastMove 

y=length (move [(1,1)]) 

main = print $ y 




我假設你試圖解決在Haskell中的knight's tour問題。在這種情況下,你的問題是你正在使用貪婪算法,這對騎士的巡視問題是失敗的。如果您從y函數中刪除length,則可以看到算法選擇的路徑。

-- From (1,8), we can go to either (4,6) or (3,5). 
-- But we've already been to both of those positions. 

簡單地說,你的騎士取得在某些時候是「錯誤的」轉,並得到自身停留在一個位置,它不可能不重複的位置脫身。爲了避免這種情況,你需要使用某種回溯算法,這樣當騎士犯這樣的錯誤時,它可以撤消它的動作並嘗試其他的東西。幸運的是,Haskell使List monad變得相對容易。如果你不熟悉單子,他們對Haskell是不可或缺的,你可以學習他們here