2017-01-13 40 views



Do Until Keepgoing = False 
    Message = InputBox("Please enter the module code you would like to enrol in for Semester 1." & vbCrLf & "A list of all available options for " & Inpval & " can be found on the form." & vbCrLf & "(Enter a blank value to exit)") 

If Message = "" Then 
    Keepgoing = False 
    MsgBox "Blank input entered, terminating program." 
    Exit Sub 
End If 

If Message = "SBC120" Then 
    Count1 = Count1 + 20 
    BP = BP + 1 
    BP1 = "Business Programming 1" 
ElseIf Message = "SBC110" Then 
    Count1 = Count1 + 20 
    IB = IB + 1 
    IB1 = "International Business 1" 
ElseIf Message = "SBC130" Then 
    Select Case Inpval 
     Case "HRM" 
      MsgBox "Sorry, you cannot select Management Science (SBC130) while on the " & Inpval & " programme." & vbCrLf & "See the list of modules available to your programme." & vbCrLf & "Once you are ready to continue, click the 'Return to Form' button and restart the process.", 16, "Module Criteria Not Satisfied" 
      DoCmd.OpenReport "HRMModsSem1Rpt", acViewReport 
      Exit Sub 
     End Select 
    Count1 = Count1 + 20 
    Response1 = Response1 + 1 
    MS1 = "Management Sciences 1" 
ElseIf Message = "SBC010" Then 
    Count1 = Count1 + 10 
    PreReq1 = InputBox("Warning, you have selected Change Management (SBC010) as one of your modules." & vbCrLf & "This can only be selected if you studied Business Transformation (SBB020) in Year 2." & vbCrLf & "If you have not done so, please type 'No'.", "Change Management Prerequisite") 
    Select Case PreReq1 
     Case "No", "NO", "no", "nO", "N", "n" 
      MsgBox "Sorry, because you have not studied Business Transformation (SBB020)," & vbCrLf & "You do not satisfy the selection critera. Please try again.", 16, "Prerequisite Module Not Selected." 
     Exit Sub 
    End Select 
    CM1 = "Change Management" 
ElseIf Message = "SBC020" Then 
    Count1 = Count1 + 10 
    Response3 = Response3 + 1 
    BPlan1 = "Business Planning" 
ElseIf Message = "SBC030" Then 
    Count1 = Count1 + 10 
    SBI1 = "Small Business Issues" 
ElseIf Message = "SBC040" Then 
    Select Case Inpval 
     Case "HRM" 
      MsgBox "Sorry, you cannot select Decision Analysis (SBC040) while on the " & Inpval & " programme." & vbCrLf & "See the list of modules available to your programme." & vbCrLf & "Once you are ready to continue, click the 'Return to Form' button and restart the process.", 16, "Module Criteria Not Satisfied" 
      DoCmd.OpenReport "HRMModsSem1Rpt", acViewReport 
      Exit Sub 
     Case "AM" 
      MsgBox "Sorry, you cannot select Decision Analysis (SBC040) while on the " & Inpval & " programme." & vbCrLf & "See the list of modules available to your programme." & vbCrLf & "Once you are ready to continue, click the 'Return to Form' button and restart the process.", 16, "Module Criteria Not Satisfied" 
      DoCmd.OpenReport "AMModsSem1Rpt", acViewReport 
      Exit Sub 
    End Select 
    Count1 = Count1 + 10 
    Response1 = Response1 + 1 
    DA1 = "Decision Analysis" 
ElseIf Message = "SBC150" Then 
    MgmtDiss = InputBox("You have selected Management Dissertation (SBC150) as one of your modules." & vbCrLf & "Please specify the number of credits this module will provide for this semester (10 or 20).", "Management Dissertation Module") 
    Select Case MgmtDiss 
     Case "10", "Ten", "ten", "TEN" 
      Count1 = Count1 + 10 
      MDCred = 10 
      MsgBox "Thank you, it is required that you select Management Dissertation (SBC150) in your Semester 2 options." & vbCrLf & "This will make up " & 30 - MDCred & " of your Semester 2 credits." 
     Case "20", "Twenty", "twenty", "TWENTY" 
      Count1 = Count1 + 20 
      MDCred = 20 
      MsgBox "Thank you, it is required that you select Management Dissertation (SBC150) in your Semester 2 options." & vbCrLf & "This will make up " & 30 - MDCred & " of your Semester 2 credits." 
     Case Else 
      MsgBox "Incorrect value, please enter '10' or '20'.", 32 
    End Select 
    MD = ("Management Dissertation" & MDCred & (30 - MDCred)) 
Else: MsgBox "Input not recognised, please enter a correct Module Code.", 32 
End If 

請不要使用輸入框,使用形式。 – Fionnuala


除了@Steve W建議的學習 - 我會試圖列出組合框中的可用選項,並將這些選項所需的任何其他信息作爲隱藏的額外列。 。 然後,您可以根據用戶的選擇來引用值,並且根本無需擔心無效選擇,這會使您的代碼更小。 – Minty







