2017-07-28 14 views

谷歌瀏覽器似乎正在改變我的身體div的屬性。每當我去檢查CSS是不同於原來的代碼。我的代碼在其他瀏覽器中工作正常。我一直在嘗試各種各樣的事情,但似乎沒有任何工作。我的主要問題是,身體div正在擴大到超過100%。我從一開始就沒有這個問題,最近纔剛剛開始。Google Chrome迫使我的div放置絕對位置和其他一些屬性


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<div class="header"> 
<h1 class="siteTitle">GStraatsma Photography</h1> 
<div class= "nav"> 
<ul class = navagation> 
    <li class= "pageLink1"><a class="active" href="#home">Home</a></li> 
    <li class= "pageLink"><a href="#news">Photos</a></li> 
    <li class= "pageLink"><a href="#contact">Contact Me</a></li> 
    <li class= "pageLink2"><a class="round" href="#contact">About Me</a> 
<div class= "body"> 
<h2 class= "firstHeader">Welcome to GStraatsma Photography</h2> 
<p>Welcome to my personal photography website! On this site, I will be posting my photography. I mostly specialize in animals, landscapes, and waterscapes; but I do also do other types of photography. I made this site to share my photography with the world so I would love it if you told people. I am also on Instagram <a href= "https://www.instagram.com/gstraatsma_photography/?hl=en"> @gstraatsma_photography</a>, there I post the pictures I take, all of pictures I post on Instagram are on this site. My pictures will mostly be posted here first then on Instagram later.</p> 
<p>If you see a picture you really like, you can contact me by email at <a href= "mailto: [email protected]">[email protected]</a> I would also love your feedback so please participate in my survey down below.</p> 

<h2>Send Me Feedback</h2> 
<div class= "survey"> 
    <script>(function(t, e, n, o){var s, c, r; t.SMCX = t.SMCX || [], e.getElementById(o) || (s = e.getElementsByTagName(n), c = s[s.length - 1], r = e.createElement(n), r.type = "text/javascript", r.async = !0, r.id = o, r.src = ["https:" === location.protocol?"https://":"http://", "widget.surveymonkey.com/collect/website/js/WGrYQ7RGRb8AhGTA_2FQb3bZE8CwzyYwuevWYwv59rth5ELrD3u_2FHUktOvRhl1TCxm.js"].join(""), c.parentNode.insertBefore(r, c))})(window, document, "script", "smcx-sdk");</script> 
<h2>Featured Images</h2> 
<div class= "pictureDisplay"> 
    <div class= "picture" style="background-position:center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-image:url(/Pictures/background2.jpg)"> 


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'style =「right = 8px;」'是無效的css屬性需要「:」這行應該讀取'style =「right:8px;」如果你真的想要應用..也我不推薦使用背景圖像適用於身體,而不是 – happymacarts


我忘了刪除,我認爲這將工作,但它沒有 –


我沒有看到這種。 Chrome並不會使''絕對。它也絕對不會讓你的課堂「.body」。 – Rob



