* Computes the nth digit of Pi in base-16.
* If n < 0, return -1.
* @param n The digit of Pi to retrieve in base-16.
* @return The nth digit of Pi in base-16.
public static int piDigit(int n) {
if (n < 0) return -1;
n -= 1;
double x = 4 * piTerm(1, n) - 2 * piTerm(4, n) -
piTerm(5, n) - piTerm(6, n);
x = x - Math.floor(x);
return (int)(x * 16);
private static double piTerm(int j, int n) {
// Calculate the left sum
double s = 0;
for (int k = 0; k <= n; ++k) {
int r = 8 * k + j;
s += powerMod(16, n-k, r)/(double) r;
s = s - Math.floor(s);
// Calculate the right sum
double t = 0;
int k = n+1;
// Keep iterating until t converges (stops changing)
while (true) {
int r = 8 * k + j;
double newt = t + Math.pow(16, n-k)/r;
if (t == newt) {
} else {
t = newt;
return s+t;
確定。我不會深入你的算法,但在這個話題中,它展示瞭如何計算pi iterativly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39395/how-do-i-calculate-pi-in-c。 在你的情況下,還有其他一些迭代算法。 – gregory561
這是有點隨機的,但是你有'powerMod()'函數的代碼在piTerm()裏面嗎? –