我已經看了一些其他問題,但沒有找到任何解釋這一點給我。我在這方面很初學。這是這個網站:http://www.lostpathway.com/village.html 我有一個圖像地圖在CSS(見下文)。當你將鼠標懸停在地圖上並點擊某個區域時,它會顯示在相應的網頁上。我在頁面頂部也有一個css菜單,它在菜單上有一個懸停效果,並且也會轉到相應的頁面。我想要做的是鏈接菜單和圖像映射,以便當您將鼠標懸停在菜單區域上時,它也會激活圖像映射懸停,反之亦然。我一直無法弄清楚如何做到這一點。任何幫助將受到歡迎。獲取一個html鏈接來激活一個css圖像映射懸停
/* Visible image map container */
#puttygut {
position: relative;
width: 900px;
height: 697px;
border: 2px solid;
background: #205a4d url(./villagemap.gif) no-repeat;
margin: 0em auto;
padding: 0;
/* List styling */
#puttygut li {
display: block;
position: absolute;
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
/* Link styling */
#puttygut a {
display: block;
text-indent: -9999px;
text-decoration: none;
outline: none;
cursor: default;
/* position on the image (z-index goes here) */
#memory {left: 171px; top: 15px; z-index: 10;}
#timberlost {left: 2px; top: 249px;}
#greyhorse {left: 248px; top: 291px;}
#visions {left: 390px; top: 355px;}
#cottage {left: 617px; top: 39px; z-index: 10;}
#windmill {left: 569; top: 462;}
/* width & height */
#memory a {width: 220px; height: 150px;}
#timberlost a {width: 185px; height: 232px;}
#greyhorse a {width: 152px; height: 130px;}
#visions a {width: 105px; height: 75px;}
#cottage a {width: 126px; height: 120px;}
#windmill a {width: 63px; height: 80;}
/* hover image position */
#memory a:hover {background: url(./villagemap.gif) -31px -740px no-repeat;}
#timberlost a:hover {background: url(./villagemap.gif) -610px -951px no-repeat; }
#greyhorse a:hover {background: url(./villagemap.gif) -622px -769px no-repeat;}
#visions a:hover {background: url(./villagemap.gif) -65px -970px no-repeat;}
#cottage a:hover {background: url(./villagemap.gif) -384px -939px no-repeat;}
#windmill a:hover {background: url(./villagemap.gif) -351px -783px no-repeat;}/* Visible image map container */
#puttygut {
position: relative;
width: 900px;
height: 697px;
border: 2px solid;
background: #205a4d url(./villagemap.gif) no-repeat;
margin: 0em auto;
padding: 0;
/* List styling */
#puttygut li {
display: block;
position: absolute;
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
/* Link styling */
#puttygut a {
display: block;
text-indent: -9999px;
text-decoration: none;
outline: none;
cursor: default;
/* position on the image (z-index goes here) */
#memory {left: 171px; top: 15px; z-index: 10;}
#timberlost {left: 2px; top: 249px;}
#greyhorse {left: 248px; top: 291px;}
#visions {left: 390px; top: 355px;}
#cottage {left: 617px; top: 39px; z-index: 10;}
#windmill {left: 569; top: 462;}
/* width & height */
#memory a {width: 220px; height: 150px;}
#timberlost a {width: 185px; height: 232px;}
#greyhorse a {width: 152px; height: 130px;}
#visions a {width: 105px; height: 75px;}
#cottage a {width: 126px; height: 120px;}
#windmill a {width: 63px; height: 80;}
/* hover image position */
#memory a:hover {background: url(./villagemap.gif) -31px -740px no-repeat;}
#timberlost a:hover {background: url(./villagemap.gif) -610px -951px no-repeat; }
#greyhorse a:hover {background: url(./villagemap.gif) -622px -769px no-repeat;}
#visions a:hover {background: url(./villagemap.gif) -65px -970px no-repeat;}
#cottage a:hover {background: url(./villagemap.gif) -384px -939px no-repeat;}
#windmill a:hover {background: url(./villagemap.gif) -351px -783px no-repeat;}
我已經看了這個代碼,並試圖實現它,但我遇到問題。我不知道這個javascript行是如何設法在合適的位置顯示適當的地圖圖片的。通過我所嘗試的方式,我無法做到這一點。我的圖像地圖被構建爲一張圖片,只顯示其中的一部分。懸停從圖片的未顯示部分的特定位置調用特定的矩形,然後將其顯示在可見部分中特定座標的上方。我不知道這個JavaScript如何相互作用或取代。 – Fitheach
我犯了一個小錯誤,用'mouseover'替換'hover' – theblindprophet