虛擬operator +
can work in general,但是它的工作,一些制約因素必須得到滿足。
BigIntegerNumber operator+ (BigIntegerNumber row2)
virtual CharRow operator+ (CharRow row2)
,最好通過const ref傳遞比值),以及相同或協變的返回類型。這些都不符合。
(它將被切片爲返回類型)。您可能更喜歡operator +=
爲operator +=
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Base
virtual Base& operator +=(const Base& other); // takes Derived as well for the virtual calls
struct Derived: Base
Derived& operator +=(const Base& other); // override - called via virtual
Derived& operator +=(const Derived& other); // overload - not called via virtual
// remove to always call the polymorphic version
Base& Base::operator +=(const Base& other)
cout << "Base::operator +=(Base)";
// beware this is slow!
const Derived* d = dynamic_cast<const Derived*>(&other);
if (d)
cout << " - called with Derived";
cout << " - called with Base";
cout << endl;
return *this;
Derived& Derived::operator +=(const Base& other)
cout << "Derived::operator +=(Base)";
// beware this is slow!
const Derived* d = dynamic_cast<const Derived*>(&other);
if (d)
cout << " - called with Derived";
cout << " - called with Base";
cout << endl;
return *this;
Derived& Derived::operator +=(const Derived& other)
cout << "Derived::operator +=(Derived)" << endl;
return *this;
int main()
Derived d1, d2;
Base b, b0;
Base& b1 = d1;
Base& b2 = d2;
d1 += d2; // Derived::operator +=(Derived)
b1 += d2; // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Derived
d1 += b1; // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Derived
b1 += b2; // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Derived
b += d2; // Base::operator +=(Base) - called with Derived
d1 += b; // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Base
b += b0; // Base::operator +=(Base) - called with Base
b1 += b; // Derived::operator +=(Base) - called with Base
return 0;
對於operator +
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
struct Base;
struct Derived;
class BaseWrapper
shared_ptr<Base> _obj;
explicit BaseWrapper(const shared_ptr<Base>& obj) : _obj(obj)
template<class RESULT_T>
operator RESULT_T()
// throws if type not correct
return dynamic_cast<RESULT_T&>(*_obj);
Base& operator +=(const Base& other);
BaseWrapper operator +(const Base& other) const;
struct Base
virtual Base& operator +=(const Base& other); // takes Derived as well for the virtual calls
BaseWrapper operator +(const Base& other) const;
virtual shared_ptr<Base> copy() const
return make_shared<Base>(*this);
struct Derived : Base
Derived& operator +=(const Base& other); // override - called via virtual
virtual shared_ptr<Base> copy() const
return make_shared<Derived>(*this);
Base& BaseWrapper::operator += (const Base& other)
return *_obj += other;
BaseWrapper BaseWrapper::operator +(const Base& other) const
return *_obj + other;
BaseWrapper Base::operator +(const Base& other) const
BaseWrapper result(copy());
result += other;
return result;
int main()
Derived d1, d2;
Base b, b0;
Base& b1 = d1;
Base& b2 = d2;
b = b1 + b2; // add Derived + Derived, result is Derived (typed Base)
b = b0 + d1; // add Base + Derived, result is Base
// d1 = b0 + d1; // add Base + Derived, result is Base, throws bad_cast (cannot cast to Derived)
d1 = b1 + b2; // add Derived + Derived, result is Derived
return 0;
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[虛擬賦值運算符C++]的可能重複(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/669818/virtual-assignment-operator-c) – Garf365