Sub CompareAndDelete()
'This code will compare the rows of each sheet and delete any old alerts that have already been emailed out
' it will then call SaveFile IF new alerts have been found
Dim row1() As Variant, row2() As Variant, newRow As Variant
Dim coll As Collection
Dim i As Long
Dim maxCol1 As Integer
Dim maxCol2 As Integer
'Find max number of columns for old and new alert
With ActiveSheet
maxCol1 = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
maxCol2 = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
End With
'Redimensionalize arrays
ReDim row1(0 To (maxCol1 - 1))
ReDim row2(0 To (maxCol2 - 1))
'Assign row1/row2 string values into arrays
For r = 0 To (maxCol1 - 1)
row1(r) = Cells(1, r + 1).Value
For s = 0 To (maxCol2 - 1)
row2(s) = Cells(2, s + 1).Value
ReDim newRow(LBound(row1) To Abs(UBound(row2) - UBound(row1)) - 1)
'Create a collection to load all row1/row2 values into
Set coll = New Collection
'Empty Collection for each run through
Set coll = Nothing
'Set collection to New before using
Set coll = New Collection
For i = LBound(row1) To (UBound(row1))
coll.Add row1(i), row1(i)
Next i
For i = LBound(row2) To (UBound(row2))
On Error Resume Next
coll.Add row2(i), row2(i)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
coll.Remove row2(i)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Next i
'Copy Row 2 and Paste it to Row 1
'Now values are stored in collection, delete row 2
'Paste only the new alerts onto a new worksheet that is designated for new alerts
For i = LBound(newRow) To UBound(newRow)
newRow(i) = coll(i + 1) 'Collections are 1-based
'Debug.Print newRow(i)
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet" & index + 4).Select
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet" & index + 4).Cells(1, i + 1).Value = newRow(i)
Next i
'if NEW alerts have been found, call SaveFile
If IsEmpty(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet" & index + 4).Cells(1, 1)) = False Then
Call SaveFile
End If
End Sub
嘗試userdange.resize或usedrange.rows(1)等。在數組中加載使用的範圍,循環和比較,保存數組中的最終值並最終轉儲工作表上的數組。對於所有這些步驟,您可以在SO上找到代碼。 – cyboashu
甜,非常感謝 –
這可能會有所幫助:http://stackoverflow.com/a/33601498/293078 –