while ($datarow = dbgetrow($dataresult)) {
if ($dotcount > $datanumrows) {
showarchivestatus(" .", true);
$dotcount = 1;
$sqlvalues = "";
foreach($lu_cols as $lu_col) {
if ($datarow[$lu_col] == "") {
$sqlvalues = $sqlvalues.", NULL ";
} else {
$sqlvalues = $sqlvalues.", \"".makesafe($datarow[$lu_col])."\"";
$sqlinsert = "INSERT INTO ".$lu_table." VALUES(".substr($sqlvalues,2).")";
$archivedb = dbconnect($a_host, $a_dbname, $a_port, $a_user, $a_password);
dbrunquery($sqlinsert, $archivedb);
function makesafe($text)
$instring = strpos($text, "'");
while ($instring >= 0)
if ($instring === false)
if (substr($text, $instring-1, 1) != "\\")
$text = substr($text, 0, $instring)."\\".substr($text, $instring, strlen($text)-$instring);
$instring = strpos($text, "'", $instring + 1);
$instring = strpos($text, '"');
while ($instring >= 0)
if ($instring === false)
if (substr($text, $instring-1, 1) != "\\")
$text = substr($text, 0, $instring)."\\".substr($text, $instring, strlen($text)-$instring);
$instring = strpos($text, '"', $instring + 1);
return $text;
Invalid query: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '"support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb\")' at line 1 SQLStatement=INSERT INTO reference VALUES("5441461", "4", "support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb\")
使用ヶ輛 – devpro
更多的代碼: $ sqlvalues = 「」; foreach($ lu_cols as $ lu_col){ if($ datarow [$ lu_col] ==「」){ $ sqlvalues = $ sqlvalues。「,NULL」; } else { $ sqlvalues = $ sqlvalues。「,\」「。makesafe($ datarow [$ lu_col])。」\「」; } } – ccy
將此問題添加到問題 – devpro