extern (C) {
alias void(*GLFWwindowposfun)(GLFWwindow*, int, int);
alias void(*GLFWwindowsizefun)(GLFWwindow*, int, int);
alias void(*GLFWwindowclosefun)(GLFWwindow*);
alias void(*GLFWwindowrefreshfun)(GLFWwindow*);
alias void(*GLFWwindowfocusfun)(GLFWwindow*, int);
alias void(*GLFWwindowiconifyfun)(GLFWwindow*, int);
alias void(*GLFWframebuffersizefun)(GLFWwindow*, int, int);
typedef void (* GLFWwindowposfun)(GLFWwindow*,int,int);
Source/MageLib/GLFW3.di(9): Deprecation: C-style function pointer and pointer to array syntax is deprecated. Use 'function' to declare function pointers
Source/MageLib/GLFW3.di(10): Deprecation: C-style function pointer and pointer to array syntax is deprecated. Use 'function' to declare function pointers
Source/MageLib/GLFW3.di(11): Deprecation: C-style function pointer and pointer to array syntax is deprecated. Use 'function' to declare function pointers
Source/MageLib/GLFW3.di(12): Deprecation: C-style function pointer and pointer to array syntax is deprecated. Use 'function' to declare function pointers
Source/MageLib/GLFW3.di(13): Deprecation: C-style function pointer and pointer to array syntax is deprecated. Use 'function' to declare function pointers
Source/MageLib/GLFW3.di(14): Deprecation: C-style function pointer and pointer to array syntax is deprecated. Use 'function' to declare function pointers
Source/MageLib/GLFW3.di(15): Deprecation: C-style function pointer and pointer to array syntax is deprecated. Use 'function' to declare function pointers
alias void function(GLFWwindow*, int, int);
Source/MageLib/GLFW3.di(9): Error: no identifier for declarator extern (C) void function(GLFWwindow*, int, int)
啊!我覺得它會是這樣的,我忘了回電是D級的一等公民。謝謝。 –