2011-10-31 20 views

我正在使用第三方服務器,它會返回以下內容。 1)網址 2)ACL 3)政策 4)awsAccesskeyID 5)簽名 6)鍵 我可以使用下面的代碼使用AmazonS3Client在S3上上傳文件java

final File localFile = new File(localFilePath); 

final Part[] parts = { new StringPart("acl", acl), 
    new StringPart("policy", policy), 
    new StringPart("AWSAccessKeyId", awsAccessKeyId), 
    new StringPart("signature", signature), 
    new StringPart("key", key, HTTP.UTF_8), 
    new FilePart("file", localFile) }; 

    final MultipartRequestEntity mpRequestEntity = new MultipartRequestEntity(parts, filePost.getParams()); 

    final HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); 

     status = client.executeMethod(filePost); 


10-31 16:21:36.070:INFO/com.amazonaws.request(13882):接收到錯誤響應 :狀態代碼:403,AWS請求ID:51F7CB27E58F88FD,AWS 錯誤代碼:SignatureDoesNotMatch,AWS錯誤消息:請求 我們計算的簽名與您提供的簽名不匹配。 檢查你的密鑰和簽名方法,S3擴展請求ID: YwNNsWOXg71vXY1VS0apHnHpHp4YVWRJ63xm8C7w36SYg1MNuIykw75YhQco5Lk7

 final AmazonS3Client s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(new BasicAWSCredentials(awsAccessKeyId, key)); 

     // Create a list of UploadPartResponse objects. You get one of these 
     // for each part upload. 
     final List<PartETag> partETags = new ArrayList<PartETag>(); 

     // Step 1: Initialize. 
     final InitiateMultipartUploadRequest initRequest = new InitiateMultipartUploadRequest(targetURL, key); 
     final InitiateMultipartUploadResult initResponse = s3Client.initiateMultipartUpload(initRequest); 

     final File file = new File(localFilePath); 
     final long contentLength = file.length(); 
     long partSize = 5242880; // Set part size to 5 MB. 

      // Step 2: Upload parts. 
      long filePosition = 0; 
      for (int i = 1; filePosition < contentLength; i++) 
       // Last part can be less than 5 MB. Adjust part size. 
       partSize = Math.min(partSize, (contentLength - filePosition)); 

       // Create request to upload a part. 
       final UploadPartRequest uploadRequest = new UploadPartRequest().withBucketName(targetURL).withKey(key) 

       // Upload part and add response to our list. 

       filePosition += partSize; 

      // Step 3: complete. 
      final CompleteMultipartUploadRequest compRequest = new CompleteMultipartUploadRequest(targetURL, key, 
        initResponse.getUploadId(), partETags); 

     catch (final Exception e) 
      s3Client.abortMultipartUpload(new AbortMultipartUploadRequest(targetURL, key, initResponse.getUploadId())); 
      return false; 
     return true; 



做。我有誤解關於簽名和密鑰.. http://dextercoder.blogspot.in/2012/02/multipart-upload-to-amazon-s3-in-three.html – knocker


嗨,使用此代碼,我該如何暫停上傳和稍後恢復? – AndroidDev
