def leopardRemoveWireless(networkName):
plistPath = '/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist'
# Sanity checks for the plist
if os.path.exists(plistPath):
pl = NSMutableDictionary.dictionaryWithContentsOfFile_(plistPath)
print 'Unable to parse file at path: %s' % plistPath
print 'File does not exist at path: %s' % plistPath
# Create a copy of the dictionary due to emuration
copy = NSDictionary.dictionaryWithDictionary_(pl)
# Iterate through network sets
for Set in copy['Sets']:
UserDefinedName = copy['Sets'][Set]['UserDefinedName']
print 'Processing location: %s' % UserDefinedName
for enX in copy['Sets'][Set]['Network']['Interface']:
print 'Processing interface: %s' % enX
# I think this will always be a single key but this works either way
for key in copy['Sets'][Set]['Network']['Interface'][enX]:
print 'Processing Service: %s' % key
# Try to grab the PreferredNetworks key if any
# Iterate through preferred network sets
index = 0
for PreferredNetwork in copy['Sets'][Set]['Network']['Interface'][enX][key]['PreferredNetworks']:
SSID_STR = PreferredNetwork['SSID_STR']
print 'Processing SSID: %s' % SSID_STR
# If the preferred network matches our removal SSID
if SSID_STR == networkName:
print 'Found SSID %s to remove' % SSID_STR
# Delete our in ram copy
print 'Processing Set: %s' % Set
print 'Processing enX: %s' % enX
print 'Processing key: %s' % key
del pl['Sets'][Set]['Network']['Interface'][enX][key]['PreferredNetworks'][index]
index += 1
except KeyError:
print 'Skipping interface without PreferredNetworks'
copy = NSDictionary.dictionaryWithDictionary_(pl)
del pl['Sets'][Set]['Network']['Interface'][enX][key]['PreferredNetworks'][index]
... Processing Set: D5C0A0F4-613A-4121-B6AE-4CBA6E2635FF Processing enX: en1 Processing key: AirPort Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/tester/Desktop/wifiutil", line 1164, in sys.exit(main()) File "/Users/tester/Desktop/wifiutil", line 1135, in main removeWireless(osVersion,network) File "/Users/tester/Desktop/wifiutil", line 1051, in removeWireless leopardRemoveWireless(network)
File "/Users/tester/Desktop/wifiutil", line 528, in leopardRemoveWireless for PreferredNetwork in copy['Sets'][Set]['Network']['Interface'][enX][key]['PreferredNetworks']: File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Extras/lib/python/PyObjC/objc/", line 431, in enumeratorGenerator yield container_unwrap(anEnumerator.nextObject(), StopIteration) objc.error: NSGenericException - * Collection was mutated while being enumerated.
我嘗試切換它來複制= NSMutableDictionary.alloc()。initWithDictionary_copyItems_(PL,真) 但仍然有同樣的錯誤。也許我應該製作NSArray的副本? – acidprime 2012-02-08 19:29:38
是的,這仍然不會做一個完整的副本 - 如果你看[文檔]( /Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000140-BABECHBH)你會看到它只複製第一層;這是你必須自己編碼的東西。幸運的是,在Python中這比ObjC容易得多,但我仍然認爲最好的方法是在枚舉它之前複製最後一個元素。 – 2012-02-08 19:37:17
copy = NSMutableDictionary.dictionaryWithContentsOfFile_(plistPath)雖然對內存管理來說不是最好的。 – acidprime 2012-02-08 19:58:06