2012-12-16 43 views

我使用joint.js構建活動圖,它擴展了raphael.js。這很簡單,這裏是一個例子。在本例中,var r創建raphael紙並將其附加到標識的div ID。 c1,c2,c3創建圖框。 x.joint(y)函數在創建的對象之間繪製連接器。使用構造函數來填充Raphael&joint.js功能

var r = Raphael("activity1", 500, 500), 
c1 = r.rect(40, 40, 50, 50, 10), 
c2 = r.rect(140, 140, 50, 50, 10); 
c3 = r.rect(240,40,50,50,10); 

現在 - 我想要做的事情仍然有點讓我困惑,因爲有人仍在學習,因爲我用javascript去。我可以輕鬆地繼續做我上面做的事情。然而,我想要做的是爲圖創建一個構造函數,然後使用構造函數更容易地填充圖。


//create a new constructor for diagram nodes 
function diagNode(xStart,yStart,Width,Height,Corner){ 
    this.xStart = xStart; 
    this.yStart = yStart; 
    this.wide = Width; 
    this.tall = Height; 
    this.corner = Corner; 
diag1 = new diagNode(300,100,100,50,10); 



我創建的jsfiddle工作演示here 我創建了兩個簡單的對象節點和圖:

  • 節點定義圖的狀態;該構造函數接受一個規範文本對象(spec.uid,spec.x,spec,y等),參見代碼
  • 中的註釋Diagram構造函數接受一個html id選擇器和一個可選spec對象文字(spec.width和spec。高度)
  • 的Diagram對象exspose該permitt到

    • 新節點添加到由addState法圖(見在代碼註釋)
    • 添加節點的數組到一個公共API圖由addStates方法(參見代碼中的註釋)
    • 聯合二由jointState法節點(見代碼註釋)
    • 由searchState法
    • 搜索在圖表中的節點


** Node constructor 
** crate a new Node (or state diagram) 
** @params {object} spec the specification object (spec.x,spec.y,spec.width,spec.height, spec.radius 
** @return NodeObject 
var Node = function(spec) { 
    spec = spec || {}; 
    //uid usefull for search this node in a diagram 
    this.uid = spec.uid || 0; 
    this.x = spec.x || 0; 
    this.y = spec.y || 0; 
    this.width = spec.width || 0; 
    this.height = spec.height || 0; 
    this.radius = spec.radius || 0; 

** Diagram constructor 
** @params {object} selector the paper selector 
** @return Diagram Object 
var Diagram = function(selector, spec) { 
    //relay on default value if spec is undefined 
    var defaultSpec = { 
     width: 500, 
     height: 500 
     dWidth = spec.width || defaultSpec.width, 
     dHeight = spec.height || defaultSpec.height; 

    //define the paper property 
    this.paper = Raphael(selector, dWidth, dHeight); 

    //define the state array; usefull for search node in diagram 
    this.states = []; 


Diagram.prototype = { 
    //inefficent method to search a state by UID in array 
    searchState: function(stateId) { 
     var instance = this, 
      i = 0, 
      max = this.states.length, 
      currentState, find = false, 

     //search the stateId params in diagram states array 
     for (; i < max; i++) { 
      currentState = instance.states[i]; 
      if (currentState.node.uid === stateId) { 
       find = true; 
       selectedState = currentState; 

     //return the response object 
     return selectedState; 


    //add single state (Node) to diagram  
    addState: function(node) { 
     //create a rect shape with state param spec 
     var state, 
      stateShape = this.paper.rect(node.x, node.y, node.width, node.height, node.radius); 

     state = { 
      node : node, 
      shape: stateShape 
     //add state to array 

     return this; 

    //add an array of states (Node) to diagram  
    addStates: function(stateArray) { 
     var instance = this, 
      i = 0, 
      max = stateArray.length, 
     for (; i < max; i++) { 
      currentState = stateArray[i]; 
     return this; 

    //join two states 
    jointState: function(sourceState, destinationState) { 
     var source = this.searchState(sourceState.uid), 
      dest = this.searchState(destinationState.uid); 

     //joint only if all the states passed to the function, already exist in the diagram  
     if (source && dest) { 
     return this; 

// define nodes (or states) 
var c1 = new Node({ 
    uid: 1, 
    x: 50, 
    y: 40, 
    width: 50, 
    height: 50, 
    radius: 10 
    c2 = new Node({ 
     uid: 2, 
     x: 150, 
     y: 140, 
     width: 50, 
     height: 50, 
     radius: 10 
    c3 = new Node({ 
     uid: 3, 
     x: 250, 
     y: 50, 
     width: 50, 
     height: 50, 
     radius: 10 
    // define an array of state to optionally pass to addStates Diagram function 
    allStates = [c1, c2, c3], 
//create the diagram passing allStates array and settings node (state) joins 
myDiag = new Diagram("activity1", 500, 500).addStates(allStates).jointState(c1, c2).jointState(c2, c3).jointState(c1, c3); 

//later create anothe node 
c4 = new Node({ 
    uid: 4, 
    x: 350, 
    y: 150, 
    width: 50, 
    height: 50, 
    radius: 10 

//add node to diagram 
//join c3 to c4 
myDiag.jointState(c3, c4); 

所以,這樣真棒。我非常感謝你在這裏做了什麼,我更加欣賞你包括的評論。我仍然處於'我擅長編寫基本的東西,複製/修改其他人的作品'的學習階段,所以這對我來說是非常巨大的幫助。關鍵是我可以得到你正在做的事情,並且可以修改它以適應我的需求 - 例如將寬度和高度的默認屬性從||更改爲||。 0到|| 100! –


@MikeEarley很樂意爲您效勞 – joeyramone76


想了解更多有關同一主題的更多問題,我想我的聯繫信息在我的個人資料上。 –