2016-11-20 30 views


// this program allows a business to keep track of sales for five different types of salsa 

#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <climits> 
using namespace std; 

// function prototype 
int inputValidation(int); 

int main() 
    const int SIZE = 5; 
    string names[SIZE] = { "Mild", "Medium", "Sweet", "Hot", "Zesty" }; 
    int jars[SIZE]; 
    int totalSold = 0; 

    // get the number of jars sold for each salsa 
    int tempJars; 
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) 
     cout << "Enter the number of " << names[i] << " salsa jars sold this past month.\n"; 
     cin >> tempJars; 
     // call to input validation function 
     jars[i] = inputValidation(tempJars); 
     totalSold += jars[i]; 

    // determine the lowest and highest salsa type sold 
    int lowest = jars[0], 
     highest = jars[0], 

    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) 
     if (jars[i] < lowest) 
      lowest = jars[i]; 
      leastType = i; 

     if (jars[i] > highest) 
      highest = jars[i]; 
      greatestType = i; 

    // display results 
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) 
     cout << "You sold " << jars[i] << " jars of " << names[i] << " salsa.\n"; 
    cout << "You sold a total of " << totalSold << " jars of salsa.\n" 
     << names[leastType] << " salsa sold the least amount of jars, which was " << lowest << " jars sold.\n" 
     << names[greatestType] << " salsa sold the most amount of jars, which was " << highest << " jars sold.\n"; 

    definition of function inputValidation 
    inputValidation accepts an int value as its argument. It determines that the value is a number that is 
    greater than 0. If it is not, then the user is prompted to input an acceptable value. the value is 
    returned and stored in the corresponding element of the jars array. 

int inputValidation(int jars) 
     while (cin.fail()) 
      cin.clear(); // clear the error flags 
      cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n'); // return cin to usable state 
      cout << "You may only enter non negative numbers. Please try again.\n"; 
      cin >> jars; 

     if (jars < 0) 
      cout << "You may only enter non negative numbers. Please try again.\n"; 
      cin >> jars; 
    } while (jars < 0); 

    return jars; 

你確定了它崩潰的線嗎? –


難道你不覺得簡單地使用'std :: getline()'來讀取一行的輸入值,將它轉換爲'std :: istringstream',然後使用'>>'來解析輸入,而不是在'std :: cin'上做所有這些脆弱的錯誤處理?哦,如果所有數量相同,那麼'leastType'和'greatestType'永遠不會被設置,導致'names [leastType]'和'names [greatestType]'的未定義行爲,這可能是導致崩潰的原因。 –


Sam Varshavchik,你說得對。我將leastType和greatestType初始化爲0,並且我的程序似乎在輸入良好和輸入錯誤的情況下運行得很好。我認爲是這樣。謝謝。 –






是的,你是對的,我相信這是我的崩潰的原因。我將leastType和greatestType初始化爲0,現在程序似乎運行良好。 –
