第一次嘗試:--- 當我運行貝哈特與功能設置錯誤而在laravel運行貝哈特5
Feature: Authentication
Checking Application Authentication Functionality.
Scenario: Admin Redirect Page
Given I am on "/admin/dashboard"
Then I should be on "/admin/login"
Scenario: Admin Login Failure
When I go to "/admin/login"
And I fill in "email" with "[email protected]"
And I fill in "password" with "wrongpassword"
And I press "Login"
Then I should see "Login Failure"
第一種方案的工作,但第二個失敗,響應: -
Scenario: Admin Redirect Page # app/tests/behat/features/auth.feature:5
Given I am on "/admin/dashboard" # FeatureContext::visit()
Then I should be on "/admin/login" # FeatureContext::assertPageAddress()
Scenario: Admin Login Failure # app/tests/behat/features/auth.feature:9
When I go to "/admin/login" # FeatureContext::visit()
Target [Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel] is not instantiable. (Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException)
第二次嘗試:--- 我試着刪除第一個場景來測試我的功能是否損壞,併成功運行。
Scenario: Admin Login Failure # app/tests/behat/features/auth.feature:9
When I go to "/admin/login" # FeatureContext::visit()
And I fill in "email" with "[email protected]" # FeatureContext::fillField()
And I fill in "password" with "wrongpassword" # FeatureContext::fillField()
And I press "Login" # FeatureContext::pressButton()
Then I should see "Login Failure" # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText()
1 scenario (1 passed)
5 steps (5 passed)
0m3.70s (23.80Mb)
Feature: Authentication
Checking Application Authentication Functionality.
Scenario: Admin Redirect Page
Given I am on "/admin/dashboard"
Then I should be on "/admin/login"
Scenario: Admin Redirect Page
Given I am on "/admin/dashboard"
Then I should be on "/admin/login"
Scenario: Admin Redirect Page
Given I am on "/admin/dashboard"
Then I should be on "/admin/login"
結果: -
Feature: Authentication
Checking Application Authentication Functionality.
Scenario: Admin Redirect Page # app/tests/behat/features/auth.feature:5
Given I am on "/admin/dashboard" # FeatureContext::visit()
Then I should be on "/admin/login" # FeatureContext::assertPageAddress()
Scenario: Admin Redirect Page # app/tests/behat/features/auth.feature:9
Given I am on "/admin/dashboard" # FeatureContext::visit()
Target [Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel] is not instantiable. (Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException)
Then I should be on "/admin/login" # FeatureContext::assertPageAddress()
Scenario: Admin Redirect Page # app/tests/behat/features/auth.feature:13
Given I am on "/admin/dashboard" # FeatureContext::visit()
Target [Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel] is not instantiable. (Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException)
Then I should be on "/admin/login" # FeatureContext::assertPageAddress()
--- Failed scenarios:
3 scenarios (1 passed, 2 failed)
6 steps (2 passed, 2 failed, 2 skipped)
0m2.87s (24.19Mb)
我laravel 5.1.23 而貝哈特所需的軟件包 「貝哈特/小黃瓜」: 「^ 4.3」, 「貝哈特/貂皮selenium2驅動器」: 「^ 1.2」, 「貝哈特/貂皮browserkit-驅動程序「:」^ 1.2「, 」laracasts/integrated「:」^ 0.15.6「, 」behat/behat「:」^ 3.0「, 」behat/mink「:」^ 1.6「, 」behat /水貂擴展「:」^ 2.0「, 」laracasts/behat-laravel-extension「:」^ 1.0「, –
我正在學習使用laracast學習。您的第二個方案中的 –
是否有意去google.com? – Leo