DEPRECATION WARNING on line 270 of /bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/components/_global.scss:
Assigning to global variable "$default-float" by default is deprecated.
In future versions of Sass, this will create a new local variable.
If you want to assign to the global variable, use "$default-float: left !global" instead.
Note that this will be incompatible with Sass 3.2.
DEPRECATION WARNING on line 271 of /bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/components/_global.scss:
Assigning to global variable "$opposite-direction" by default is deprecated.
In future versions of Sass, this will create a new local variable.
If you want to assign to the global variable, use "$opposite-direction: right !global" instead.
Note that this will be incompatible with Sass 3.2.
DEPRECATION WARNING: The return value of index() will change from "false" to
"null" in future versions of Sass. For compatibility, avoid using "== false" on
the return value. For example, instead of "@if index(...) == false", just write
"@if not index(...)".
on line of /bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/_functions.scss, in `exports'
from line 336 of /bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/components/_global.scss
from line 5 of /bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/components/_grid.scss
from line 9 of /bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation.scss
from line 9 of /resources/sass/screen.scss
DEPRECATION WARNING on line 13 of /bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/_functions.scss:
Assigning to global variable "$modules" by default is deprecated.
In future versions of Sass, this will create a new local variable.
If you want to assign to the global variable, use "$modules: append($modules, $name) !global" instead.
Note that this will be incompatible with Sass 3.2.
的Gemfile(可使用bundle init
# A sample Gemfile
source "https://rubygems.org"
# gem "rails"
gem "sass", "3.3.14"
gem "compass", "1.0.0"
最佳 盧卡斯
根據文檔,當然你應該使用'bower install zurb/bower-foundation'? – 2014-08-30 09:45:36
'bower install zurb/bower-foundation'同樣的問題 – mushroom 2014-08-30 10:02:48
我不是Bower/Sass用戶,但那些CLI調用看起來不同於發佈的** [here](http://foundation.zurb.com/文檔/ sass.html#CLI)**。 'zurb/bower-foundation'來自他們的GitHub Repo。似乎它們可以互換使用? – 2014-08-30 11:04:53