def phpexample():
return render_template('example.php')
require ('steamauth/steamauth.php');
<title>Eliminate Phishers! Join Steap now</title>
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<span class="logo icon fa-paper-plane-o"></span>
<h1>Welcome. This is Steap</h1>
<p>A website designed to help eliminate phishers
<br />
and hackers on Steam.</p>
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if(!isset($_SESSION['steamid'])) {
echo "welcome guest! <br />\n please login ";
steamlogin(); //login button
} else {
include ('steamauth/userInfo.php');
$url = $steamprofile['profileurl'];
if ($steamprofile['personastate'] == 0) {
$state = '<span style="color:#616161";>(Offline)</span>';
$picture = '<span style="color:#616161";><img src="'.$steamprofile['avatarfull'].'" title = "" alt = ""></span>';
} else if ($steamprofile['personastate'] == 1) {
$state = '<span style="color:#006EFF";>(Online)</span>';
$picture = '<span style="border: 10px dotted #006EFF;"><img src="'.$steamprofile['avatarfull'].'" title = "" alt = ""></span>';
} else if ($steamprofile['personastate'] == 2) {
$state = '<span style="color:#006EFF";>(Busy)</span>';
$picture = '<span style="border-color:#006EFF border-style: solid";><img src="'.$steamprofile['avatarfull'].'" title = "" alt = ""></span>';
} else if ($steamprofile['personastate'] == 3) {
$state = '<span style="color:#006EFF";>(Away)</span>';
$picture = '<span style="border-color:#006EFF border-style: solid";><img src="'.$steamprofile['avatarfull'].'" title = "" alt = ""></span>';
} else if ($steamprofile['personastate'] == 4) {
$state = '<span style="color:#006EFF";>(Snooze)</span>';
$picture = '<span style="border-color:#006EFF border-style: solid";><img src="'.$steamprofile['avatarfull'].'" title = "" alt = ""></span>';
} else if ($steamprofile['personastate'] == 5) {
$state = '<span style="color:#006EFF";>(Looking to Trade)</span>';
$picture = '<span style="border-color:#006EFF border-style: solid";><img src="'.$steamprofile['avatarfull'].'" title = "" alt = ""></span>';
} else if ($steamprofile['personastate'] == 6) {
$state = '<span style="color:#006EFF";>(Looking to Play)</span>';
$picture = '<span style="border-color:#006EFF border-style: solid";><img src="'.$steamprofile['avatarfull'].'" title = "" alt = ""></span>';
//Protected content
echo "Welcome back" . "</br> </br>" . $picture ."</br>". $steamprofile['personaname'] . "</br>" .$state . "</br>". "Steam ID: ". $steamprofile['steamid'] . "</br>";
echo '<a href="' . $url . '">Steam Profile</a>' . "</br> </br>" . "<form action=\"steamauth/logout.php\" method=\"post\"><input value=\"Logout\" type=\"submit\" /></form>"; // Display their avatar!
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<h2>Questions or comments?</h2>
<p>Program not working? Not detecting the phishers properly? <br \> Send us a message. We'll be sure to back to you as soon as possible.</p>
<form method="post" action="#">
<div class="row collapse-at-2">
<div class="6u">
<input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Name" />
<div class="6u">
<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email" />
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<textarea name="message" placeholder="Message" rows="6"></textarea>
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<li>© Steap 2014 All rights reserved.</li><li>Design: <a href="http://html5up.net">HTML5 UP</a></li>
你需要一些可以處理PHP的東西。你使用的是什麼http服務器? – dirn 2014-11-08 23:54:59
我正在使用Flask,並在命令提示符下運行上面的python代碼。然後,我在谷歌瀏覽器中打開http://,輸出結果只是一堆文本。 – 2014-11-08 23:59:11
@dirn我明白你在說什麼。我實際上沒有可以處理PHP的東西,因爲Flask不能。你建議我用什麼軟件? – 2014-11-09 00:07:20