select(int A[],int first, int last, int i) {
n = last - first + 1; /* n is the number elements to select from */
if (i > n) {return ERROR;} /* there is no ith smallest element */
if(n < = 100) {
/********************* For Small n *********************/
Run selection on A[first..last] taking at most n(n-1)/2 < 50n comparisons;
swap A[first+i-1] with A[first] /* put ith smallest in A[first] */
else /* n > 100 */ {
/********** main recursion *************************/
numGroups = n/5; /* integer division, round down */
for group = 0 to numGroups-1 do {
shift = group*5;
/* A[first+shift] is the start of the group, A[first+shift+4] is end of group */
find median of A[first+shift .. first+shift+4] and swap it into A[first + group];
} /* for group */;
lastMedian = first+numGroups-1;
/* now the medians of the numGroups groups are all A[first .. lastMedian] */
/****** the first recursive call to find median of medians ******/
select(A, first, lastMedian, numGroups/2);
/* now median of medians is in slot A[first] */
/*********** partition array *********************/
k = partition(A,first, last); /* See partition on page 146 of text */
/* now k is the index where the median of median winds up, the smaller elements */
/* will be in A[first..k-1] and larger elements will be in A[k+1..last] */
/************ where is the ith smallest element? ********/
if (k == first + i -1) {
/* ith smallest is the median of medians in A[k] */
swap A[k] and A[first] and return
} else if (k > = first + i -1) {
/* second recursion to find ith smallest among the "small" keys in A[first..k-1] */
select(A, first, k-1, i);
} else /* k < first + i -1 */ {
/* second recursion to find the proper element among the "large" keys */
numSmaller = k-first+1; /* the number of "smaller" keys not recursed on */
newi = i - numSmaller;
/* the ith smallest of A[first..last] is the newi smallest of A[k+1..last] */
select(A, k+1, last, newi);
/* ith smallest now in A[k+1], put it in A[first] */
swap A[k+1] and A[first];
} /* if k - second else */
} /* if n - else part */
} /*select */
- 分區代碼,這裏
int pivotindex=(end-begin)/2 int pivot values=a[pivotindex];
誰看見原因爲downvoting? – 2012-03-13 11:50:31
不是我,但我理解downvote,你粘貼一大段代碼(雖然富有評論),但實際上並沒有說選擇函數本身應該做什麼。到底什麼是「三位數中位數」? – KillianDS 2012-03-13 11:53:25
沒有中位數的中位數,沒有三個地方寫了這個名字,我犯了這個錯誤 – 2012-03-13 11:55:19