2017-08-16 37 views

運行下面的代碼片段,菜單設計具有懸停效果顏色變化。但是,我的問題是,與漸變效果結合在此菜單設計中隱藏超長文本,我無法讓懸停在上方出現的漸變。如何讓一個CSS上的「Hover」與一個僞「:: before」漸變背景效果結合使用?



 <li class="topic_nav_row"> 
      <div class="topic_nav_title"> 
       <a href="article.php">#Google</a> 

      <div class="topic_nav_arrow"> 
       <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> 

li { 
    color: white; 
    text-decoration: none; 
    font-family: 'Abel'; 

a:active { 
    color: white; 
    text-decoration: none; 


/* NAV > LIST > ROW */ 

li.topic_nav_row { 
    width: 100%; 
    height: 27px; 
    line-height: 20pt; 
    list-style-type: none; 
    display: block; 
    cursor: pointer; 
    clear: both; 
    position: relative; 

li.topic_nav_row:hover { 
    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 4px 0 0 0 white; 
    box-shadow: inset 4px 0 0 0 white; 


/* LIST > ROW > TITLE */ 

.topic_nav_title { 
    font-family: Verdana; 
    width: 80%; 
    height: 27px; 
    padding-left: 10%; 
    position: relative; 
    float: left; 
    text-decoration: none; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    white-space: nowrap; 
    color: white; 

.topic_nav_title a { 
    height: 20px; 

.topic_nav_title::before { 
    content: ''; 
    width: 100%; 
    height: 100%; 
    position: absolute; 
    left: 0; 
    top: 0; 
    background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 75%, rgb(60, 57, 57) 95%, rgb(60, 57, 57) 100%); 

.topic_nav_title:hover { 
    background-color: #514e4e; 
    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 4px 0 0 0 white; 
    box-shadow: inset 4px 0 0 0 white; 

.topic_nav_container { 
    width: 180px; 
    height: 100px; 
    float: left; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    position: fixed; 
    z-index: 10; 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 
    background-color: #3c3939; 
<div class="topic_nav_container"> 

    <li class="topic_nav_row"> 
    <div class="topic_nav_title"> 
     <a href="#">Menu Item One That Is Long</a> 

    <li class="topic_nav_row"> 
    <div class="topic_nav_title"> 
     <a href="#">Menu Item Two That Is Too</a> 




li { 
    color: white; 
    text-decoration: none; 
    font-family: 'Abel'; 

a:active { 
    color: white; 
    text-decoration: none; 


/* NAV > LIST > ROW */ 

li.topic_nav_row { 
    width: 100%; 
    height: 27px; 
    line-height: 20pt; 
    list-style-type: none; 
    display: block; 
    cursor: pointer; 
    clear: both; 
    position: relative; 

li.topic_nav_row:hover { 
    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 4px 0 0 0 white; 
    box-shadow: inset 4px 0 0 0 white; 


/* LIST > ROW > TITLE */ 

.topic_nav_title { 
    font-family: Verdana; 
    width: 80%; 
    height: 27px; 
    padding-left: 10%; 
    position: relative; 
    float: left; 
    text-decoration: none; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    white-space: nowrap; 
    color: white; 

.topic_nav_title a { 
    height: 20px; 

.topic_nav_title::before { 
    content: ''; 
    width: 100%; 
    height: 100%; 
    position: absolute; 
    left: 0; 
    top: 0; 
    background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 75%, rgb(60, 57, 57) 95%, rgb(60, 57, 57) 100%); 

.topic_nav_title:hover { 
    background-color: #514e4e; 
    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 4px 0 0 0 white; 
    box-shadow: inset 4px 0 0 0 white; 


.topic_nav_container { 
    width: 180px; 
    height: 100px; 
    float: left; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    position: fixed; 
    z-index: 10; 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 
    background-color: #3c3939; 
<div class="topic_nav_container"> 

    <li class="topic_nav_row"> 
    <div class="topic_nav_title"> 
     <a href="#">Menu Item One That Is Long</a> 

    <li class="topic_nav_row"> 
    <div class="topic_nav_title"> 
     <a href="#">Menu Item Two That Is Too</a> 


感謝。可以工作,但有沒有辦法在文本上保留漸變,而懸停背景位於div元素的頂部? – Jquestions