type Field = String
type Row = [Field]
type Column = [Field]
type Table = [Row]
print_line :: [Int] -> String
print_line lstcolumnwidths = case lstcolumnwidths of
[] -> "+"
n:ns -> '+' :replicate n '-' ++ print_line ns
此代碼創建一條線,例如:與輸入[3,6],將返回「+ --- + ------ +」如何編寫結合以下所有功能以達到所需輸出的功能
print_field :: Int -> Field -> String
print_field columnwidth fieldcont
|isNum fieldcont = replicate (columnwidth - length fieldcont) ' ' ++ fieldcont
|otherwise = fieldcont ++ replicate (columnwidth - length fieldcont) ' '
isNum :: String -> Bool
isNum s = case s of
[] -> True
x:xs -> isDigit x && isNum xs
此代碼格式化字段例如輸入5「艾美」返回「艾米」和 爲輸入端5 「78」 返回 「78」
print_row :: [Int] -> Row -> String
print_row lstcolumnwidths lstfieldcont = convertString (zipWith print_field
lstcolumnwidths lstfieldcont)
convertString :: [String] -> String
convertString x = case x of
[] -> "|"
x:xs -> '|' : x ++ convertString xs
此代碼返回一個格式化的行例如輸入並[5,4] [ 「托米」, 「20」]返回 「|托米| 20 |」
print_table :: Table -> [String]
我想寫一個函數爲此需要一個表並返回一個字段列表。 的投入將是
["+--------+------+------+---+","|FIRST |LAST |GENDER|AGE","|Paul
|Dowden |male | 19","+--------+------+------+---+","|David |Barker |male | 21"...etc ]
convert :: String -> String
convert list = case list of
[] -> []
|isUpper c -> c: convert cs
|otherwise -> toUpper c : convert cs