中獲得遊戲的所有數據。這就像網球一樣,比網球簡單:只有定型和比賽。 changeinSet
但我想我有一個私人變量的問題,所以它不工作。 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'WordsoftheGame' of undefined
document.getElementById('playboutton').addEventListener('click', newGame);
function newGame() {
var DataofGame = new newGameData();
// New game
function newGameData() {
this.pointTeam1 = 0;
this.pointTeam2 = 0;
this.WordsoftheGame = ShuffleListe();
this.ASet = new aSet();
//How the set is manage ********************
function aSet() {
var oneWord = DataofGame.ListeMot;
// display the word and delete it from the list
document.getElementById('jouer').innerHTML = oneWord[0];
this.turn = true;
this.score = 0;
function changeinSet() {
DataofGame.ASet.score += 1;
//This is the other team's turn:
DataofGame.ASet.turn = !DataofGame.ASet.turn;
//shuffle liste
ListOfWords = ['Artiste', 'Appeler', 'Cheval', 'Choisir', 'Ciel', 'Croire', 'Dormir'];
function ShuffleListe() {
data = shuffle(ListOfWords);
return data;
這個問題是不是變量,問題是,你正在使用'this'時認爲不需要使用。你能展示你班級的完整代碼嗎? – Nadir
謝謝。哪部分代碼沒有完全顯示? – Sulot
可以在實例化對象之前解釋e ListOfWords? – Nadir