$contents = file_get_contents($url);
echo $clima['list'][5]['main']['temp']; // this one works
foreach($clima['list'] as $clima1) {
echo $clima1[$i]['dt']; // here i get PHP Notice: Undefined offset
echo $clima1[$i]['main']['temp']; //here i get PHP Notice: Undefined index: list
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 // the error is from 0 to 39 and there are 39 objects...
PHP Notice: Undefined index: list
Array ([cod] => 200 [message] => 0.014 [cnt] => 40 [list] =>
Array ([0] => Array ([dt] => 1492732800 [main] => Array ([temp] => 17.64 [temp_min] => 17.04 [temp_max] => 17.64 [pressure] => 1026.03 [sea_level] => 1031.21 [grnd_level] => 1026.03 [humidity] => 100 [temp_kf] => 0.6) [weather] => Array ([0] => Array ([id] => 800 [main] => Clear [description] => clear sky [icon] => 01n)) [clouds] => Array ([all] => 0) [wind] => Array ([speed] => 1.66 [deg] => 81.5008) [sys] => Array ([pod] => n) [dt_txt] => 2017-04-21 00:00:00)
[38] => Array ([dt] => 1493143200 [main] => Array ([temp] => 19.72 [temp_min] => 19.72 [temp_max] => 19.72 [pressure] => 1026.92 [sea_level] => 1032.02 [grnd_level] => 1026.92 [humidity] => 87 [temp_kf] => 0) [weather] => Array ([0] => Array ([id] => 800 [main] => Clear [description] => clear sky [icon] => 01n)) [clouds] => Array ([all] => 0) [wind] => Array ([speed] => 6.95 [deg] => 10.5008) [sys] => Array ([pod] => n) [dt_txt] => 2017-04-25 18:00:00)
[39] => Array ([dt] => 1493154000 [main] => Array ([temp] => 18.43 [temp_min] => 18.43 [temp_max] => 18.43 [pressure] => 1026.75 [sea_level] => 1031.91 [grnd_level] => 1026.75 [humidity] => 98 [temp_kf] => 0) [weather] => Array ([0] => Array ([id] => 800 [main] => Clear [description] => clear sky [icon] => 01n)) [clouds] => Array ([all] => 0) [wind] => Array ([speed] => 6.03 [deg] => 9.50076) [sys] => Array ([pod] => n) [dt_txt] => 2017-04-25 21:00:00))
[city] => Array ([id] => **** [name] => ***** [coord] => Array ([lat] => **.**** [lon] => **.****) [country] => **))
'$ clima1 [ 'DT']'和'$ clima1 [ '主'] [ '臨時']'。你爲什麼還要在那裏加上'$ i'? – zerkms
只是刪除'[$ i]'? – Philipp
我誤解了var_dump的輸出。我刪除了[$ 1],現在沒關係。謝謝,所有3個答案幫助我瞭解我的錯誤 – ic205