2016-08-12 142 views



removeNode(N: BinaryNode) 
if(N is a leaf) 
    Remove N from the tree 
else if (N has only one child C) 
    if(N was a left child of its parent P) 
     Make C the left child of P 
     Make C the right child of P 
else //Node has two children 
    //Find S, the node that contains N's inorder successor 
    //Copy the item from node S into node N 
    //Remove S from the tree by using the previous 
    //technique for a leaf or a node with one child 

下面的僞代碼在這個函數的書,你如何讓P c^的孩子?給定一個沒有任何東西指向父節點的節點,你可以做什麼來弄清楚樹的父親是誰?通常你需要一個尾隨節點來跟蹤這個結果,但是由於這些書的最終草稿'我懷疑這不是他們所暗示的。


removeNode(nodePtr: BinaryNodePointer): BinaryNodePointer 
if(N is a leaf) 
    //Remove leaf from the tree 
    delete nodePtr 
    nodePtr = nullPtr 
    return nodePtr 
    else if (N has only one child C) 
     if(N was a left child of its parent P) 
      nodeToConnectPtr = nodePtr->getleftChildPtr() //<---I assume this means nodePtr->left 
      nodeToConnectPtr = nodePtr->getRightChildPtr() //<--nodePtr->right? 
     delete nodePtr 
     nodePtr = nullptr 
     return nodeToConnectPtr 
    else //Node has two children 
     //Find the inorder succesor of the entry in N: it is in the left subtree rooted 
     //at N's Child 
     tempPtr = removeLeftMosstNode(nodePtr->getRightChild(), newNodeValue) 
     nodePtr->setRightChildPtr(tempPtr) //<--nodePtr->right = tempPtr? 
     nodePtr->setItem(newNodeValue) // nodePtr->vendorData = newNodeValue? 
     return nodePtr 



aBst::treeNode * aBst::removeNode(aBst::treeNode * nodePtr) 
     //This functions deletes a node and then returns the pointer to the child to take the place of deleted child 
     aVendor * tempVendorPtr; 
     treeNode * nodeToConnectPtr, *tempPtr; 

     //The node passed is the node that needs to be removed 
     if (nodePtr->right == NULL && nodePtr->left == NULL) //----No Child---- 
      delete nodePtr; 
      nodePtr = NULL; 
      return nodePtr; 
     else if ((nodePtr->right != NULL) != (nodePtr->left != NULL))//----One Child---- 
      if (nodePtr->left != NULL)//left child 
       nodeToConnectPtr = nodePtr->left; //Wrong 
      else if (nodePtr->right != NULL) //right child 
       nodeToConnectPtr = nodePtr->right; //Wrong 

      delete nodePtr; 
      nodePtr = NULL; 
      return nodeToConnectPtr; 
     else //-----Two Child----- 
      //find minimum value of right subtree, stores the pointer to the vendorData it carries through the parameter and calls removeNode 
      tempPtr = removeLeftMostNode(nodePtr->right, tempVendorPtr); 
      nodePtr->vendorData = tempVendorPtr; 
      nodePtr->right = tempPtr; 
      return nodePtr; 



int aBst::countKids(aBst::treeNode * subTreePtr) 
    if (subTreePtr == NULL) //Empty Tree 
     return -1; 
    else if (subTreePtr->right == NULL && subTreePtr->left == NULL) //----No Child---- 
     return 0; 
    else if ((subTreePtr->right != NULL) != (subTreePtr->left != NULL))//----One Child---- 
     return 1; 
    else if ((subTreePtr->right != NULL) && (subTreePtr->left != NULL))//----Two Child---- 
     return 2; 
    //Something unexpected occurred   
    return -1; 

bool aBst::remove(char nameOfVendor[]) 
    bool failControl = false; 

    removeValue(root, nameOfVendor, failControl); 

    return failControl; 

aBst::treeNode * aBst::removeValue(aBst::treeNode * subTreePtr, char nameOfVendor[], bool& success) 
    //Note: the subTreePtr should be root in initial call 
    treeNode * tmpPtr; 
    char name[MAX_CHAR_LENGTH]; 

    //Make sure passed success bit is false 
    success = false; 


    if (subTreePtr == NULL) //Empty Tree 
     success = false; 
     return NULL; 
    else if (strcmp(name, nameOfVendor) == 0) //Evaluates to true if there is a match 
     subTreePtr = removeNode(subTreePtr); 
     success = true; 
     return subTreePtr; 
    else if (strcmp(name, nameOfVendor) > 0) // Go left 
     //Protects algorithm from bad data crash 
     if (subTreePtr->left == NULL) 
      return subTreePtr; 

     tmpPtr = removeValue(subTreePtr->left, nameOfVendor, success); 
     subTreePtr->left = tmpPtr; 
     return subTreePtr; 
    else // Go Right 
     //Protects algorithm from bad data crash 
     if (subTreePtr->right == NULL) 
      return subTreePtr; 

     tmpPtr = removeValue(subTreePtr->right, nameOfVendor, success); 
     subTreePtr->right = tmpPtr; 
     return subTreePtr; 

    //For loop was broken and function returns false 
    return subTreePtr; 

aBst::treeNode * aBst::removeNode(aBst::treeNode * nodePtr) 
    aVendor * tempVendorPtr; 
    treeNode * nodeToConnectPtr, *tempPtr; 

    //The node passed is the node that needs to be removed 
    if (nodePtr->right == NULL && nodePtr->left == NULL) //----No Child---- 
     delete nodePtr; 
     nodePtr = NULL; 
     return nodePtr; 
    else if ((nodePtr->right != NULL) != (nodePtr->left != NULL))//----One Child---- 
     if (nodePtr->left != NULL)//left child 
      nodeToConnectPtr = nodePtr->left; 
     else if (nodePtr->right != NULL) //right child 
      nodeToConnectPtr = nodePtr->right; 

     delete nodePtr; 
     cout << "called\n"; 
     nodePtr = NULL; 
     return nodeToConnectPtr; 
    else //-----Two Child----- 
     //find minimum value of right subtree, stores the pointer to the vendorData it carries through the parameter and calls removeNode 
     tempPtr = removeLeftMostNode(nodePtr->right, tempVendorPtr); 
     nodePtr->vendorData = tempVendorPtr; 
     nodePtr->right = tempPtr; 
     cout << "\nleaving Two Child\n"; 
     return nodePtr; 


aBst::treeNode * aBst::removeLeftMostNode(aBst::treeNode * nodePtr, aVendor*& vendorDataRef) 
    if (nodePtr->left == NULL) 
     //Target acquired 
     vendorDataRef = nodePtr->vendorData; 
     return removeNode(nodePtr); 
     return removeLeftMostNode(nodePtr->left, vendorDataRef); 






只有當root在運行時被修改時,問題似乎就存在,所以我懷疑我可能需要測試root並在每種情況下更新它。 –