2013-10-10 146 views



每一輪有兩個階段:「來-out」和「點」。要開始一輪, 射手做一個或多個「出來」卷。一個2, 3或12失去,被稱爲「垃圾」。一個7或11(一個 「自然」)的出來卷贏了。其他可能的數字是點號:4, 5,6,8,9和10.如果射手擲出滾輪上的這些數字中的一個,這將建立「點」並繼續到點 階段。在點階段,如果用戶擲出與出局階段相同的號碼,他們會「擊中」或贏得比賽。如果他們擲出7分,但他們「七出局」或輸掉比賽。如果玩家沒有得到7或者相同的出場號碼,他們會繼續滾動,直到他們擊中或者爲止。


import random 

def playRound(): 

    #This will print out the current phase. 

    print "The come-out phase:" 

    #This will tell the user to hit enter to roll the dice. 

    rollDice = raw_input("Hit ENTER to roll the dice...") 

    #this will ensure that when a user hits enter, the program moves on. 

    if rollDice == rollDice: 

     #this will sum up two random integers to simulate two dice being thrown and record   the total. 

     diceTotal = random.randint(1,6) + random.randint(1,6) 

     #this will see if the numbers are 7 or 11, and if so, will let the user know they won. 

     if diceTotal in (7,11): 

      return "You rolled a", diceTotal 
      return "You Win: Natural!" 

     #this will see if numbers are 2, 3, or 12, and if so, will let user know they lost. 

     if diceTotal in (2,3,12): 

      return "You rolled a", diceTotal 
      return "You Lose: Crap-Out!" 

     #let user know what they rolled if conditions above are not met. 

     return "You Rolled a", diceTotal 

     #This will now start the point phase. 

     print "The Point Phase:" 

     #this will ask the user to hit enter to roll the dice. 

     rollDice = raw_input("Hit ENTER to roll the dice...") 

     #this will ensure that when the user hits enter, the dice will roll. 

     if rollDice == rollDice: 

      #this will add up the sum of two random numbers simulating dice and save to variable. 

      diceTotalPoint = random.randint(1,6) + random.randint(1,6) 

      #this will see if the roll is not 7 or the diceTotal from come-out phase. 

      while diceTotalPoint not in (7, diceTotal): 

       #This will continue to roll the dice, if 7 or the come-out phase number is not achieved. 

       rollDice = raw_input("Hit ENTER to roll the dice...") 

       if rollDice == rollDice: 

        diceTotalPoint = random.randint(1,6) + random.randint(1,6) 

      #this will tell the user that if the dice roll is the same as the come-out phase,   it will be a hit and they win. 

      if diceTotalPoint == diceTotal: 

       return "You Rolled a", diceTotalPoint 
       return "You Win: Hit!" 

      #this will tell the user if they get a 7, and tell them they lose. 

      if diceTotalPoint == 7: 

       return "You Rolled a", diceTotalPoint 
       return "You lose: Seven-Out!" 

「我的問題是,爲什麼我的程序沒有完全運行,以及缺陷在哪裏。」你應該告訴我們爲什麼你的程序沒有運行,缺陷在哪裏。那不是我們的工作。 – Shashank


對不起,我在這裏還是新手,我正在學習如何更好地提出這些問題。不會再發生,我意識到這是爲了獲得幫助和學習。 –




 return "You rolled a", diceTotal 
     return "You Lose: Crap-Out!" 


我回應弗雷德裏克關於如果rollDice == rollDice部分的評論,不需要將它放入if語句中,因爲它總是會運行。
