<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
\t <meta charset="UTF-8">
\t <title>JavaScript Basic | Training 2</title>
\t <!-- ignore these links -->
\t <link rel="stylesheet" href="fonts.css">
\t <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
<!-- script section -->
\t \t <script>
//this function get the text(value from textarea,"place_here"),create a new html element,set a color for this element(from select-option-value) and displays this element
//function without declared parametres
\t \t \t function add_text() {
\t \t \t \t var text_source=document.getElementById('place_here').value; //text from textarea(get the text from textarea/value)
\t \t \t \t var text_color=document.getElementById("select_color").value; //text color(get the color/value from select-option)
//here is the problem,console error:<<Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'color' of undefined at add_text>>
\t \t \t \t var create_text=document.createElement('h3'); //create a new html element(a new header,h3)
\t \t \t \t var new_text=document.createTextNode(text_source + "<br />"); //create text in html h3 element(value from textarea element,below)
\t \t \t \t new_text.style.color="'" + text_color + "'"; // set text color for new html element(the color value from select-option element,below)
\t \t \t \t create_text.appendChild(new_text); //create new child
\t \t \t \t document.body.appendChild(text_source); //add the child created above in body(HTML)
\t \t \t }
//so,where is wrong? i don't find where is bad in this function
// i tried to use something like this: document.getElementById("select_color").option.value; but the same thing....
//Why is wrong?I don't know where is the problem!
\t \t </script>
\t <h2 style="text-align: center; margin-top: 20px;">Insert text!</h2> <br> <br> <!-- page header -->
<!-- a textarea element,properties:cols 30 and rows 10 -->
\t <textarea id="place_here" cols="30" rows="10" placeholder="Write here!">
\t \t
\t </textarea> <br> <br>
\t <select name="" id="select_color">
\t <!-- color value,for text color -->
\t \t <option value="red">Red</option>
\t \t <option value="blue">Blue</option>
\t \t <option value="green">Green</option>
\t \t <option value="orange">Orange</option>
\t </select>
\t <input type="button" value="Add text!" onclick="add_text()">
<!-- button with function -->
控制檯錯誤:選擇(select_color)的值是不確定的! 它不讀取選擇選項的值。
檢查了這一點如何得到的值:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1085801/get-selected-value-in-dropdown-list -using-javascript – shotor
請問能告訴問題是什麼? – brk