class Sequence_stream {
const char* FileName;
std::ifstream FileStream;
std::string FileFormat;
Sequence_stream(const char* Filename, std::string Format);
NucleotideSequence get();
Sequence_stream::Sequence_stream(const char* Filename, std::string Format)
FileName = Filename;
FileFormat = Format;
std::cout << "Filestream is open: " << FileStream.is_open() << std::endl;
NucleotideSequence Sequence_stream::get()
if (FileStream.is_open())
char currentchar;
int basepos = 0;
std::string name;
std::vector<Nucleotide> sequence;
currentchar = FileStream.get();
if (currentchar == '>' && false == FileStream.eof()) { // Check that the start of the first line is the fasta head character.
currentchar = FileStream.get(); // Proceed to get the full name of the sequence. Get characters until the newline character.
while(currentchar != '\n' && false == FileStream.eof())
if (true == FileStream.eof()) {
std::cout << "The file ends before we have even finished reading in the name. Returning an empty NucleotideSequence" << std::endl;
return NucleotideSequence();
name.append(1, currentchar);
currentchar = FileStream.get();
} // done getting names, now let's get the sequence.
currentchar = FileStream.get();
while(currentchar != '>' && false == FileStream.eof())
if(currentchar != '\n'){
sequence.push_back(Nucleotide(currentchar, basepos));
currentchar = FileStream.get();
if(currentchar == '>')
return NucleotideSequence(name, sequence);
} else {
std::cout << "The first line of the file was not a fasta format description line beginning with '>'. Are you sure the file is of FASTA format?" << std::endl;
return NucleotideSequence();
} else {
std::cout << "The filestream is not open..." << std::endl;
return NucleotideSequence();
int main()
std::cout << "Let's try and read in a sequence!" << std::endl;
std::cout << "First we'll create a stream!" << std::endl;
Sequence_stream MyDNAStream("~/Dropbox/1_20dd5.fasta", "fasta");
std::cout << "Done!" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Now let's try and get a sequence!" << endl;
NucleotideSequence firstsequence = MyDNAStream.get();
return 0;
Let's try and read in a sequence!
First we'll create a stream!
Filestream is open: 0
The filestream is not open...
[Process completed]
雖然我還以爲構造函數打開,如果流。在創建對象幷包含開放流時,我需要做些什麼來糾正此問題? (我知道我還沒有包含一個析構函數,它會在對象被破壞時關閉流)。
謝謝, 本。
如果您嘗試在構造函數之外打開流,該怎麼辦?像:MyDNAStream.FileStream.open(「文件名」)在你的主要()?那樣有用嗎? – cen
代碼沒有太大的錯誤,該文件由於某些其他原因無法打開。順便說一句,你不需要編寫一個析構函數來關閉流。這會自動發生,因爲ifstream析構函數會爲你關閉流(令人驚訝的是有多少新手沒有意識到這一點)。 – john