\documentclass[10pt, a4paper]{article}
& \textbf{#2}
& \textbf{Traceability} \\ \hline
& #1
& #2 \\ \hline
\textbf{External Actors}
& #1
& #2 \\ \hline
% Snip... 40 odd more functions %
% UC 1
\UCStart{01}{Administrator Starts Server}
\UCDesc{This describes the process of the administrator starting the server}{\space}
\UCPre{Server is not running}{\space}
\UCTrigger{Administrator wants to start the server}{\space}
\item Administrator boots up hardware
\item Administrator starts Administrator console
\item Administrator logins into Administrator account with the corresponding password
\item Administrator clicks start
\UCPost{Conditions that must be true, in order for the use case to finish}{\space}
\textbf{Alternative Use Case 01} \newline
\item UC.01.ALT.01
\item If administrator fails authentication in step 3
\item Notify administrator of failed authentication
\UCNonFunc{ ??? }{\space}
\UCComments{ Comments Go Here }{\space}