2014-01-16 70 views

我試圖測試應用程序在連接到特定服務時會發生什麼情況。我運行Ubuntu 13.10,它聽起來像ufw(簡單防火牆)是正確的選擇,但我不能按預期工作。我確信這是簡單的,我做錯了,但ufw的手冊頁給出了一個例子,阻止所有我正在遵循的端口的訪問,它不工作...下面是我經歷過的步驟。簡單防火牆(UFW) - 如何阻止本地主機上的單個端口


$ netstat 
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address   State  
tcp6  0  0 mymachine.blah:39163 remoteservice.blah:2181 ESTABLISHED 


$ sudo ufw deny 39163 
Rule added 
Rule added (v6) 


$ sudo ufw status 
Status: active 
To       Action  From 
--       ------  ---- 
39163      DENY  Anywhere 
39163      DENY  Anywhere (v6) 


$ netstat 
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address   State  
tcp6  0  0 mymachine.blah:39163 remoteservice.blah:2181 ESTABLISHED 


[編輯] iptables的輸出是相當大的。我剔除了我認爲不相關的鏈條(所有的鏈條都沒有規則,沒有引用,或者兩者都有)。其餘的在下面。注意我從來沒有用iptables手動做過任何事情,我一直使用ufw或gufw(GUI前端去ufw)。

你可以在底部看到我的規則(Chain ufw-user-input which is referencing port 39163)。我懷疑這個問題可能是Chain ufw-user-input(與我的規則)是由鏈ufw-before-input引用的,但是這又不被引用。但是我對iptables確實不是很瞭解,以確認這是問題還是如何解決它 - 我希望只使用更簡單的ufw實用程序。

$ sudo iptables --list 
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) 
target  prot opt source    destination   

Chain FORWARD (policy DROP) 
target  prot opt source    destination   

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) 
target  prot opt source    destination   

Chain ufw-before-input (0 references) 
target  prot opt source    destination   
ACCEPT  all -- anywhere    anywhere    
ACCEPT  all -- anywhere    anywhere    state RELATED,ESTABLISHED 
ufw-logging-deny all -- anywhere    anywhere    state INVALID 
DROP  all -- anywhere    anywhere    state INVALID 
ACCEPT  icmp -- anywhere    anywhere    icmp destination-unreachable 
ACCEPT  icmp -- anywhere    anywhere    icmp source-quench 
ACCEPT  icmp -- anywhere    anywhere    icmp time-exceeded 
ACCEPT  icmp -- anywhere    anywhere    icmp parameter-problem 
ACCEPT  icmp -- anywhere    anywhere    icmp echo-request 
ACCEPT  udp -- anywhere    anywhere    udp spt:bootps dpt:bootpc 
ufw-not-local all -- anywhere    anywhere    
ACCEPT  udp -- anywhere   udp dpt:mdns 
ACCEPT  udp -- anywhere  udp dpt:1900 
ufw-user-input all -- anywhere    anywhere    

Chain ufw-logging-deny (2 references) 
target  prot opt source    destination   
RETURN  all -- anywhere    anywhere    state INVALID limit: avg 3/min burst 10 
LOG  all -- anywhere    anywhere    limit: avg 3/min burst 10 LOG level warning prefix "[UFW BLOCK] " 

Chain ufw-not-local (1 references) 
target  prot opt source    destination   
RETURN  all -- anywhere    anywhere    ADDRTYPE match dst-type LOCAL 
RETURN  all -- anywhere    anywhere    ADDRTYPE match dst-type MULTICAST 
RETURN  all -- anywhere    anywhere    ADDRTYPE match dst-type BROADCAST 
ufw-logging-deny all -- anywhere    anywhere    limit: avg 3/min burst 10 
DROP  all -- anywhere    anywhere    

Chain ufw-user-input (1 references) 
target  prot opt source    destination   
DROP  tcp -- anywhere    anywhere    tcp dpt:39163 
DROP  udp -- anywhere    anywhere    udp dpt:39163 

你能告訴我們它生成的實際iptables規則嗎?你的意思是你的iptables是 – cnicutar


嗎? – MLSC


@cnicutar - 已添加到原始文章。 – asibs




iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 39163 -j DROP 

我停止UFW使用 清除出從iptables的所有UFW鏈'須藤的iptables -X' 然後我跑你的命令如上,但事後我運行netstat,仍然可以看到以下行: 'TCP6 0 0 mymachine上.blah:39163 remoteservice.blah:2181 ESTABLISHED' 正在運行'iptables --list'確認規則存在,但netstat和應用程序日誌表明數據包沒有被丟棄... – asibs


對不起,如果我使用端口2181而不是39163(即** remote **端口而不是** local **端口)運行它。我正在閱讀iptables手冊頁,試圖找出如何指定本地端口...我想使用本地端口,因爲我想運行應用程序的多個實例並在發生故障時測試行爲連接。 – asibs


如果你想要源端口,你可以使用'--sport'。 – cnicutar



# quickly process packets for which we already have a connection 

所以我想這是在(重新)配置的方式。不知道ufw reload是否會忽略這一點,但我想不會,因爲這會對已建立的連接造成「太」侵襲。