1 CaseNum Branch Name
2 1234 APL George
3 2345 VMI George
4 3456 TEX Tom
5 4567 NYC Tom
6 5678 VMI Sam
7 6789 TEX Tom
8 7890 NYC George
'Check reference column and select the same number of rows in start and end columns
Sub selectByUsedRows(usedCol As String, selectStartCol As String, selectEndCol As String)
n = Range(usedCol & "1").End(xlDown).Row
Range(selectStartCol & "1:" & selectEndCol & n).Select
End Sub
'Dynamically select columns A to C with as many rows as are in A
Sub test()
refCol = "A"
selectStartCol = "A"
selectEndCol = "C"
selectByUsedRows refCol, selectStartCol, selectEndCol
'Code works until this point. There is now an active selection of A1:C8.
'The following is hypothetical
Dim rngSelection As Range
Set rngSelection = ActiveSelection
Range(rngSourceData).CurrentRegion.Name = "rngSourceData"
Set objTable = Sheet5.PivotTableWizard
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
rngSourceData, Version:=xlPivotTableVersion14).CreatePivotTable _
TableDestination:="Sheet5!R1C4", TableName:="PivotTable1", DefaultVersion _
End Sub
迪克,我將需要一些時間來處理您的解決方案。我想指出的是,在我的代碼selectByUsedRows子給我一個動態選擇,我只是不知道如何使活動選擇命名的區域用作數據透視表SourceData。 – Liquidgenius
+1 Dynamic NamedRange是我的最愛之一,值得追求。由於某些原因,我一直使用'= OFFSET($ C $ 2,0,0,COUNTA($ C:$ C)-1,1)'而不是索引。 – user3357963